Why Does Soda Cause Incontinence?


Do you know that drinking soda can be the cause of your incontinence? While many people drink soda to quench their thirst, it actually does more harm than good.

Soda has a lot of sugar and gets absorbed into the bloodstream quickly which causes an increase in blood sugar levels.

This increase puts pressure on bladder muscles because when they contract, they push urine out of the body.

When there is too much pressure, this can lead to leakage (incontinence). 

The consumption of sugary drinks like sodas should be limited or eliminated completely for better health!

In addition, soda contains phosphoric acid which causes a loss of calcium from bones.

Calcium is important for keeping muscles and nerves healthy.

Phosphoric acid also contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

Drinking too much soda can result in tooth decay- because it’s very acidic!

Soda does not quench your thirst, it is very acidic and bad for the bones.

Soda drinkers (especially children) are at a higher risk of obesity and may be more likely to develop insulin resistance and diabetes, which can cause kidney problems later on in life.

The best choice is water!

Water does not contain any harmful chemicals like phosphoric acid or as much sugar as soda.

Water keeps your body hydrated and can help prevent urinary tract infections caused by holding urine for too long.

So have a glass of water instead next time you feel thirsty!

Remember to drink enough water daily- everyone needs a minimum of 10 glasses a day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some side effects of drinking soda?

-Soda contains phosphoric acid which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels and contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

Does soda have any benefits?

-No, there are no health benefits to drinking soda.

Should you avoid soda altogether?

-Yes, it is important to decrease your sugar intake because a high intake of sugar has been linked to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and dental cavities.

What drinks should I drink if I want to decrease my sugar intake?

-It is recommended to drink water or unsweetened beverages like seltzer and unsweetened tea.


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