What is Confitrol24?

What is Confitrol24? Urinary Incontinence Supplement


At some point in our lives, most of us will experience urinary incontinence (UI). It can happen to anyone–men and women alike.

Urinary incontinence is not a sign of weakness; it is simply something that happens as we age.

It can be embarrassing, especially considering that more than half of all women over the age of fifty experience UI daily. The good news is that there are ways to make this condition manageable.

One new solution is Confitrol24, which has been found to provide relief for women who suffer from this condition.

What Is Confitrol24?


Created by, LEADING EDGE HEALTH, Confitrol24 is a dietary supplement designed to help women regain bladder control. The ingredients in the formula are specially formulated to reduce and regulate issues related to urinary incontinence.

The supplement has been shown to control urge incontinence, stress incontinence, and mixed incontinence. It also helps to reduce or eliminate accidents by controlling the frequency of urination.


NORTH AMERICA: +1-866-621-6884

INTERNATIONAL: +1-604-677-3533

Official Website: confitrol24.com

Leading Edge Health Inc (300 – 1095 McKenzie Avenue Victoria, BC, V8P 2L5),

Leading Edge Health Ltd (171 Arch. Makariou III Ave, Vanezis Business Center, Office 401, 3027 Limassol, Cyprus)


How does Confitrol24 Works?

In addition to being a potent diuretic, The ingredients in Confitrol24 have been demonstrated as being effective in reducing the symptoms of urinary incontinence. They work to help reduce the amount of urine that you pass while at the same time, reduce leakage. If taken regularly, women who use Confitrol24 have reported seeing a decrease in how often they need to get up at night to go to the bathroom.

What Can I Expect?

There are a number of benefits that you can expect to receive from taking Confitrol24. The supplement works by regulating the frequency and volume of urination.

Users have reported seeing an improvement in their ability to maintain bladder control, as well as having fewer accidents during the day and night.

Many women who suffer from urinary incontinence have also experienced a reduction in the symptoms of vaginal irritation.

Does Confitrol24 have any Side Effects?

No, this supplement does not contain artificial chemicals or additives that could potentially cause an allergic reaction. It is made with 100% natural ingredients that are safe and free from any type of side effect.

There are no known interactions between the ingredients of Confitrol24 and other medications, which makes it different than most prescription drugs on the market.

What Ingredients Are Inside?

As mentioned above, the ingredients used in this supplement are all-natural and contain no additives or preservatives.

It contains three major active ingredients that are responsible for the benefits seen in users. They are as follows:

Lindera aggregata extract:

Lindera Aggregate

It is a Chinese herb that has been used traditionally to control and stop the constant urge to urinate.  It also aids in the prevention of bladder and urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from sticking to your skin.


Raw Horsetail

It is a great diuretic that helps to balance the electrolytes in each cell of your body. It also aids in reducing swelling, improving the ability of your blood vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of your body, and strengthening ligaments.

Cratevox Three Leaf Caper:  

Three-leaved caper

It has been used for generations to help treat urinary issues and bladder distress. The leaves of this small plant contain a substance that reduces the inflammation and irritation of the bladder.

The combination of these three ingredients works to relieve the symptoms and stresses caused by urinary incontinence. In addition, they have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to treat other bladder disorders.

How Do I Take Confitrol24?

This supplement should be taken orally. It is recommended that you take 2 capsules a day in the morning with breakfast. If you wish to achieve optimal results, you should continue taking the supplement for a period of six months.

You should not take Confitrol24 if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also not intended for people under the age of 18 years old.

Where Can I Buy Confitrol24?

You can purchase Confitrol24 from its official website. To get a 30-day supply of the supplement, you only need to pay $49.99, which is a fraction of what most prescription medications on the market cost daily.

In fact, if taken regularly and appropriately, it has been proven to save you money in the long run so that you do not have to turn to costly medical treatment.

If you are suffering from urinary incontinence, it is important that you choose a supplement like Confitrol24 because it works effectively and provides relief from all of the stress caused by this condition.

Not only will your lifestyle improve, but you will also be able to sleep better knowing that you are not going to have any embarrassing accidents during the night.

They have 67 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. So you can test the product by yourself. If it doesn’t work for you then just ask for your money back.

See Its Official Website Now!


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