Are There Any Vitamins That Help With Bladder Control

Are There Any Vitamins That Help With Bladder Control?


If you’ve been experiencing bladder problems, it’s possible that a vitamin could help.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most popular vitamins for bladder control and why they work. We’ll also talk about what to do if your symptoms persist after trying these supplements.  

What are some of the most common causes of incontinence?

If you’re over 50 years old, having a child, obese or pregnant, then there is a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence due to pelvic floor dysfunction.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be caused by pregnancy, obesity, or aging, which all put pressure on the pelvic area, thus causing weakness in muscles associated with urination.

This creates an inability to fully empty one’s bladder leading to urinary frequency and incontinence.

Here Are Some Most Popular Vitamins For Bladder Control And Why They Work.

Confitrol 24

Confitrol24 is a Proprietary Blend of herbs and nutrients that are known for controlling urinary incontinence and maintaining bladder control.

It’s also very popular due to the fact that it’s made in the USA and has been around for over 10 years. Confitrol24 is a safe, all-natural supplement that can help you get your life back on track!

It uses the following ingredients,

  • Lindera aggregata extract (root)
  • Horsetail( Equisetum arvense) Extract( Aerial Part)
  • Cratevox Three Leaf Caper ( Crateva nurvala) Extract (Stem Bark)

Why does Confitrol24 work?

It works by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and urinary sphincter, thus promoting bladder control.

You should see a difference within weeks of taking Confitrol24. There are no reported negative side effects.

Speak with your physician before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you’re pregnant, nursing, or already on medication.

There is a money-back guarantee with this product; if you’re not happy with it for any reason, you can return it within 67 days of purchase and get all your money back!


Click Here To See Confitrol24 Official Website>>


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known to decrease your risk of developing bladder problems.

It’s important because it helps regulate the muscles surrounding the bladder, which allows them to contract and relax properly. Vitamin D also regulates hormones that are involved with urination, thus helping promote more regular urinary flow.

People who have lower levels of vitamin D tend to be at risk of developing urinary problems; thus, it’s recommended that one takes vitamin supplements.  

Why is Vitamin D important for bladder control?

If you have lower levels of vitamin D, then there is a higher risk of developing bladder dysfunction, which leads to urinary frequency and incontinence.

What are the Symptoms of low Vitamin D?

Some of the most common symptoms that you could be suffering from a deficiency in vitamin D are:

  • Having frequent urination
  • Waking up at night to go to the bathroom
  • Having an urge to rush to the bathroom all of the time
  • Dribbling while sneezing, laughing, or coughing.

you should see a difference within 3-4 months!


Cornsilk helps nourish the bladder walls. It contains high amounts of Vitamin K, which is also known as an effective treatment for bladder issues.

It’s commonly used to treat urinary pain, burning sensation, and frequency that comes with Urinary tract infections (UTI). This herb has been used for centuries by Native Americans to treat UTIs and other bladder problems.

Why Is Cornsilk Important For Bladder Control?

It strengthens and soothes the irritated bladder while also promoting urinary tract health.

Cornsilk basically helps you beat urinary tract infections while promoting urinary control at the same time!  

It works by nourishing the kidneys and bladder walls which then allows them to function properly.

Taking Cornsilk also helps control urinary tract infections that come with urinary frequency and incontinence.

You should see results within 1-3 months of taking the supplement!  The recommended dosage is 2 capsules daily for adults, but consult your physician before taking.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a berry that contains phytosterols (plant hormones that mimic human hormones such as testosterone). Testosterone is known to be an aggressive male hormone that can cause urinary problems in women. Saw palmetto works by blocking the receptors in your body so testosterone cannot bind and promote bladder issues.

Why is Saw Palmetto important for bladder control?

It blocks androgens (aggressive male hormones) which then prevent the muscles in your bladder from contracting. This is why it’s commonly used to treat urinary frequency and incontinence.

What are some symptoms of high Androgens, such as testosterone?

  • Having a decreased sex drive
  • Inability to orgasm
  • Not getting wet during sex

You should see a difference within 3-4 months of taking Saw Palmetto. The recommended dosage is around 320mg twice a day for adults, but consult your physician before taking it.

Raw Horsetail

Raw Horsetail has been used by ancient civilizations for centuries to treat urinary problems. It works as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic, which essentially helps increase the volume of your urine.  It does this by increasing blood flow into your kidneys, strengthening the muscles that surround the bladder wall, and also expelling excess fluid in your body.

Why Is Raw Horsetail Work For Bladder Control?

It reduces urinary frequency, urgency, and other symptoms associated with urinary tract infections (UTI).  

Horsetail has also been found to be effective at helping treat stress incontinence which is the involuntary loss of urine when you sneeze, cough, or laughs.

You should see results within 1-3 months of taking the supplement.  The recommended dosage is around 650mg once a day for adults, but please consult your physician before taking it.

Three-leaved caper

Three-leaved caper has been used for centuries by Chinese medicine to treat incontinence and other bladder problems.

It contains flavonoids that stimulate the blood flow in your kidneys, strengthening their function.

This herb also works as a diuretic which helps increase urine production from your kidneys while simultaneously flushing out toxins in your body.

Why is Three-Leaved Caper Work For Bladder Control?

It strengthens the muscles in your bladder, which allows you to gain urinary control.

You should see results within 1-3 months of taking the supplement.  The recommended dosage is around 600mg once a day for adults, but please consult your physician before taking it.

Lindera Aggregata

Lindera Aggregata has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat urinary incontinence.  It works as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antibacterial, which helps strengthen the muscles on your bladder wall. It also reduces inflammation of your bladder, which helps reduce urinary urgency and frequency.

How Is Lindera Aggregata Good For Bladder Control?

It strengthens the muscles in your bladder, which helps you gain back control of your bladder.  This herb also reduces inflammation that’s associated with UTI’s which helps reduce symptoms such as pain or burning during urination.

You should see results within 1-3 months of taking the supplement. The recommended dosage is around 400mg once a day for adults, but please consult your physician before taking it.


All of these supplements have been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat urinary issues such as bladder control and incontinence.

Saw Palmetto, Raw Horsetail, Three-leaved caper, and Lindera Aggregata all contain properties that help strengthen the muscles found in your bladder.  

These herbs also work as diuretics which help increase the volume of urine that your kidneys produce, flushing out toxins in your body and strengthening your bladder.

These herbs are relatively safe to take, and you will generally experience positive results within 3 months of taking them on a daily basis.  

We recommend Confitrol24  for maximum bladder control.

Click Here if you want to learn more about Confitrol24 and its benefits.



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