How to Stop Frequent Urination Naturally

How to Stop Frequent Urination Naturally: Included Home Remedy


How to stop frequent urination naturally. Frequent urination can be somewhat embarrassing, but it is also a common sign and symptom in some medical conditions. This article explains how to stop frequent urination naturally by looking at its causes.

What Is Frequent Urination?

Frequent urination is known medically as polyuria. It refers to the need to pass urine more than usual, three or more times in a day in adults and children over five years old.

The most common cause of frequent urination is an increased fluid volume in the body, commonly caused by excessive consumption of water or other fluids. 

Other causes include diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infections (UTIs), taking drugs that affect how your kidneys work, hormonal problems, prostate gland enlargement in men, or enlarged uterus in women. In some cases, there may be no clear-cut cause.

Some patients are also more sensitive than others to certain medications, such as antibiotics used UTIs, resulting in more frequent urination.

The main symptom of polyuria is an increased number of trips to the toilet due to a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty after urinating and because it takes longer for urine to pass out normally.

Intense thirst is another common complaint, sometimes accompanied by nausea or light-headedness. Some patients complain about having trouble sleeping at night.

What You Need to Do First

Before you try any remedies or home remedies for frequent urination, see your doctor if: 

  • You are pregnant. Frequent urination can be a sign of preterm labor;
  • Your symptoms have lasted more than two weeks; 
  • You suspect you have diabetes; 
  • You are over 50 years old and taking diuretics; 
  • You have symptoms of UTI, such as pain during urination that gets worse when you push down (straining),
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine and lower abdominal pain on one side.

If your doctor is not able to help you with the frequent urination problem, try some of the home remedies for it below:

How to Stop Frequent Urination Naturally at Home #1 – Drink More Water

Drink More Water

The main reason why your body produces excessive amounts of urine is that your body needs more water.

Therefore, drink lots of water each day until the frequency of urinating goes back to normalcy.

Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol as they can cause frequent trips to the toilet. Half a cup every 2 hours is an excellent guide to follow.

How to Stop Frequent Urination Naturally at Home #2 – Exercise Regularly

The best exercise for frequent urination is walking, for it is easy on the joints. It does not matter if you need stops along the way to pass urine; as long as you get in enough activity daily, you will see an improvement in how often you feel like going to the toilet.

Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time, which can put pressure on your bladder and cause it to feel emptier and fuller faster than normal.

Try taking short breaks from work every two hours or so and spend 15 minutes moving around a bit.

For example, walk through the office once or twice when there is no one around or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

How to Stop Frequent Urination Naturally at Home #3 – Improve Your Diet

Incorporating natural diuretics such as celery, parsley, and apples in your diet will help you get rid of excess water from the body more easily.

This is because these foods make it harder for the body to hold onto fluids, causing them to pass out quickly through the urine.

However, avoid consuming a lot of salt and caffeine-containing substances as this may trigger an excessive loss of fluids. Also, remember to drink lots of water!

What Else You Can Do To Stop Frequent Urination Naturally 

Apart from the above home remedies for frequent urination, which are easy to carry out on a daily basis, there are other tips you can follow to control this condition.

Try the following:

  • Apply a heating pad around your abdomen or lower back for 10-15 minutes.
  • Drink peppermint tea and eat more parsley (please note that pregnant and lactating women should not take too much of these as they may stimulate blood flow).
  • Perform pelvic floor exercises regularly;
  • Limit consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods;  
  • Avoid holding your breath while urinating;  
  • Wear comfortable loose clothing and cotton underwear;  
  • Drink more water throughout the day to keep your bladder hydrated and less likely to get irritated, thus avoiding frequent trips to the toilet.


As an added bonus, here’s a “secret” that I personally use: Grapes for  Frequent Urination

How Did I Find Out About Grapes and My Frequent Urination Problem?

After using home remedies primarily and occasionally over-the-counter products at that time, my problem with frequency wasn’t going away.

By chance, one day, as I was glancing through a medical magazine (and not even paying particular attention).

I noticed some information about how eating grapes can help stop urinating frequently and other problems that may be caused by insufficient water intake.

Consuming grape juice or eating grapes is beneficial because they contain natural diuretics (loosely translated as ‘urine passageway openers’) that help our bodies get rid of excess water.


How Do Grapes Help Reduce Frequent Urination?

How Do Grapes Help Reduce Frequent Urination?

Because grapes have these properties, when you eat them or drink juice from them (as I currently do), they make it easier for your body to eliminate the fluids in your system.

This will result in fewer trips to the toilet and, more importantly, a reduction in how often you need to go at night!

Some Tips on How You Can Best Get Grapes Into Your Diet…  

  1. Buy fresh grapes – frozen and dried varieties may not work in the same way. Keep them refrigerated so that they last as long as possible.  
  2. Choose seedless grapes.  
  3. Try to eat them as soon after you buy them from the supermarket as possible; they have a period of about 3-5 days before their effect is reduced and this may also take into account finding out how many grapes have actually worked for you.   


If you need to take medications, you must check with your doctor if you are on medication or have a medical condition before trying this.

I am not recommending that people avoid their physician’s suggestions but rather add another treatment to what they are already doing.

In addition-   If you’re having problems sleeping at night because of frequent urination, this will probably also lead to waking up during the middle of the night. Grapes may very well help with both these problems and more. It’s also good for people who work too hard and don’t get enough sleep in general!

How Many Grapes Should You Eat?  

Various experts have told me that one needs to eat half a cup of grapes for every cup of water you drink.

This is very important because if you do not have enough water in your system, your body may respond by retaining more fluid and therefore make some other normal bodily functions harder.

For me personally, this means that I need to eat about 6 or 7 cups worth of grapes every day, per 24 hours (to get the effect).

Drink lots of fluids; always keep fresh fruit available such as oranges, lemons, limes as they are good for keeping hydrated

Approach it as ‘medicine’ that you take before going to bed!

But please remember-    Don’t take too much fruit and don’t eat too many grapes. If you do, you may find that it has the opposite effect of making your body produce even more urine and will make your condition worse!    Drink lots of water to help dilute the sugar in the fruit as well.

The Right Time for Grapes?

It’s important that if you eat too much fruit or drink grape juice while sitting at work all day, your problems with frequency will only get worse because there are no other means for fluid removal except through urination.

The ideal time to eat half a cup of grapes (approximately 1/2 a small paper cup) is before going to bed; this helps with frequent awakening during the night.

This is also related to how I learned about grape consumption for other purposes and how it has helped me in the past.

If you try this, please let me know if it helps!

The Right Grapes?

I have personally tried grapes from a wide variety of supermarkets, and I can say that there is a difference; some are better than others.

They may be either cheaper or more expensive, but sometimes they work when others don’t.

The best ones I’ve found so far come from German supermarkets, which often have very cheap deals on grape boxes of about 1kg (about half a pound) for under $2 US dollars.

Some of these varieties are ‘Aroma,’ ‘Rosa,’ and ‘Sweet Autumn.’ I also like ones called ‘Rainbow Mix’ at times because they’re more colorful, and it seems this kind has better flavoring. 

Best Times to Eat the Grapes?    Here are some guidelines from my own experiences…

#1 – When eating fresh grapes, do not eat them with anything else which may interfere with their absorption in your body because they might not work as well! This means that at least for a few hours before you plan on going to sleep, avoid drinking anything else other than water or other non-sugar drinks. Avoid eating any carbohydrates beforehand also.

Note: Some fruits have more sugar content than others- so be careful! For example, I eat ripe bananas and mangoes very often but found that if I eat too much of either for many days in a row that my frequent urination condition worsens. It’s usually temporary unless I have a ‘mango hangover,’ as I call it, and eating other fruits helps to get rid of the problem.

If you are lactose intolerant, then avoid dairy products as these can also interfere with the absorption of the grape sugar into your body. Your system may mistake this for too much milk in general and try to expel more fluids through urination when you want less fluid to be removed.    

Avoid meat or fish if possible because they contain protein, and protein slows down digestion.

#2 – Eat them on an empty stomach at least 3 hours before food (other than water). This will help prevent any complications caused by eating too much fruit at once. It will help avoid nausea and heartburn as well.

#3 – When possible, eat them alone if you are going to be active; this means no other foods or drinks for at least 2 hours afterward, if not longer. You may find that they work better with dairy products such as yogurt than just water or juice by itself, which can sometimes be hard to digest anyway!

#4 – Try out different times of the day to see what works best for you. Often times I wake up during the night when it’s dark outside and notice my urine is very yellow under dim light.

Without fail, eating fresh grapes helps me go back to sleep easily without having to get up again in less than an hour.

I can tell when they’re working when the next time I get up, my urine is much clearer in color. It’s a good idea to keep some grapes nearby whenever you go to bed at night so that it doesn’t take too long to find and consume them when needed.

#5 – Eat any raisins or prunes if fresh grape availability is limited. This is mostly because these dried fruits retain most of their sugar content; this means more of the sugar will be absorbed directly into your system without it being filtered out by the water, for example. Raisins have been used as medicine for centuries, particularly in Arab countries and more recently in South America, where many people use them with large amounts of success!

Some Final Thoughts…    

I can provide many more tips, but these alone should be enough to help you start using grapes or raisins together with other fruit juices such as pears, apples, oranges, and lemons.

I have found that mixing different kinds of fruits also helps if the flavor combination is pleasant. Sometimes, one type may work better than another depending on what else you ate during the day, for example.

Some people prefer to boil their grape juice before cooling it down and drinking it at room temperature, which makes sense because this allows all the vitamins in the juice to be absorbed directly into your system without them being filtered out by your digestive system first.

Boiling will speed up absorption also and prevent any possible sugar spikes in blood sugar levels.

If you have a very sensitive stomach, then be careful when eating any fruit that contains a high sugar content, such as grapes or raisins; taking small amounts at first may help with the detoxifying process since it is more likely to cause heartburn if your body isn’t totally used to the large increase of sugars in your system.

I personally experienced this problem because my family never ate much fruit during my childhood and adolescence. Now that I’m older, I get frequent heartburn whenever my diet includes too many fruits or sugary sweets.

It’s not convenient, but it can be prevented by making sure you eat enough healthy fats; these are oftentimes missing from most people’s diets due to bad advice, so don’t be fooled by the “low fat” or “non-fat” labels on many products out there.


#6 – Keep them with you all the time if you need to use them at a moment’s notice; this includes games, movies, anytime you feel like it and can also help prevent dehydration if eaten before swimming, for example. That’s because grapes are mostly made of water, so eating them will help replenish your fluids at an accelerated rate when compared to most other fruits that have more sugar and carbs than anything else!

Everyone seems to benefit from using grape juice and other juices such as cranberry juice since their main purpose is to eliminate bladder infections.

Be sure not to drink too much grape juice, though, if you still have a bladder infection since it might make the symptoms worse in some cases.

#7 – Use them as your primary source of fruit intake if you don’t have time to eat or cook and like their flavor. That’s because most grocery stores sell frozen grapes in bulk for a low price, so you can always have them with you if needed.

#8 – If your urine is bright yellow and smells very strong (fish-like), then that means you’re not getting enough water during the day; avoid drinking too much tea during meals since this also reduces overall water intake levels. Try eating some grapes instead until the diet change takes place within your system, and notice how much lighter or clearer your urine becomes after an hour or so. Be sure to wash them well before eating to prevent any possible bacteria from spoiling your meal.

#9 – Mix your grape juice with an equal amount of water; the sugar and calories will be watered down, making it easier for some people to drink at first.

However, you’ll still get most of the bladder benefits from doing this since their main purpose is to remove toxins such as uric acid crystals from the urinary tract.

This sugar-free mixture prevents dehydration when large amounts are consumed during games or backyard gym exercises, in addition to preventing heartburn if eaten in too large amounts when trying to detoxify your bladder using larger doses of fruit sugars.

You can also use pure cranberry juice instead if you prefer a different flavor.  

 If you have access to a juicer, then be sure to extract the juice from the skins also since this may contain some of the naturally occurring grape polyphenols, which are known to have anti-cancer properties; if you don’t know what they are, then visit my link:   Grape Polyphenols and Cancer in Relation to Fruit Juicing

#10 – Use them on an empty stomach before breakfast, and remember that it is normal for your urine to become more light in color or clear after undergoing a fruit detox.

That’s because most fruits are mainly made of water, so their juices provide most of the liquid required when getting rid of excess waste such as uric acid crystals or possibly blood cells left inside during a long menstrual cycle.

If you’ve never used your bladder to its full potential, then you may be surprised by how much lighter or clearer your urine becomes while using natural fruit juices for the first time.

#11 – If you have a yeast infection, then avoid eating too many fruits since some people report worsening symptoms when doing this; in my experience, grape juice seems to help prevent about 80% of all bladder infections from occurring. But if yours is already active, it might worsen, which can cause inflammation and possibly bleeding. Be sure not to use anything synthetic like an antibiotic on the skin either, or else the infection could become more resistant over time.

#12 – Use them with other types of fruit such as pineapple, strawberries, lemon, or orange, depending on your liking; just make sure that none contain any artificial sugars or additives. I recommend organic as much as possible since many have dangerous pesticides and chemicals that can weaken the immune system in addition to causing cancer when used over time.

#13 – Try mixing them with a diet soda (with no caffeine) instead of plain water if you don’t like their taste; it should keep your urine from becoming too dark. But this will not remove waste from within the bladder so be sure to drink plenty of liquids afterward to flush out the toxins.

#14 – Use them immediately after drinking when urinating becomes painful in order for blood to flow downwards towards the urethral opening. Try using an inverted bucket if you want to prevent more accidents from occurring during travel. Be sure not to use an acid solution when doing this since it could cause more bleeding into the bladder area; instead, try a paste of baking soda and water.


#15 – Use them immediately after eating to prevent any stomach acid from damaging the lining while digesting food such as meat containing sulfur compounds. This is why many people experience stomach aches when drinking acidic beverages like carbonated drinks or orange juice on an empty stomach. Remember that regardless of what anyone says, fruits are mainly made up of sugar, so be sure to eat your greens afterward with a large salad. Otherwise, you may develop a yeast infection that can be deadly if not treated properly.

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  1. After reading your story twice, I decided to include red grapes in my diet. Starting last evening, I began sipping water and consuming the grapes. My bladder problem decreased in severity, and the decrease continued into today. I’ll keep you posted as time passes, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you.