How To Cure Urinary Tract Infection And Incontinence

How To Cure Urinary Tract Infection And Incontinence: FAQs


A urinary tract infection is a common and often very painful condition. It affects men and women of all ages, races, and ethnicities.

The symptoms vary from person to person but most people will experience at least one symptom such as the need to pee more frequently or an uncomfortable burning sensation during urination.

A UTI generally lasts for about two weeks after treatment has been completed, however, some people will experience recurring infections if their lifestyle does not change.

Treatments can range from antibiotics and other medications to hydration and dietary changes so there are many different options depending on your needs.

If you suffer from incontinence then you might benefit from learning how bladder training could help treat this condition as well!


This article is written for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information should not be construed as offering medical opinions. Any of the recommended treatments presented here may cause side effects and complications of varying severity; therefore one must always consult a medical professional before administering any treatment.

What is a urinary tract infection?

UTI or urinary tract infection occurs when the bladder or urethra becomes infected with bacteria. It is also known as cystitis.

This generally happens due to lack of cleanliness but can be very painful and inconvenient, even causing death in some cases!

Painful urination is the first sign of a urinary tract infection.

Symptoms may include:

  • Need to pee more frequently
  • Urgent or burning or painful need to urinate
  • Fever, chills, sweating, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Difficulties with bladder training are common in those who have had an extended period of time with untreated incontinence.

It is important that you understand how bladder training works, in order to get the most out of your treatment plan with your doctor.

You can read about  UTI and Bladder Leakage

Can a urinary tract infection cause incontinence?

Yes, it is possible that the UTI has caused damage to your pelvic floor muscles. This can make it difficult to hold in urine or stool. Damage to your pelvic floor muscles may also cause urinary incontinence.

The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for the ability to control the bladder, bowel, and sexual organs.

There can be many causes of incontinence which you should discuss with your doctor. Bladder infections are one possible cause. Both bladder infections and urinary incontinence have similar symptoms that may not always be obvious.

How urinary tract infection can cause incontinence?

UTI can have many complications that are associated with incontinence.

It is common for women who suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections to develop incontinence later in life. This is because the bladder becomes irritable and overactive due to damage to the pelvic floor muscles or nerves.

The pelvic floor muscles can also become weak and atrophied due to a urinary tract infection.

This is because the muscles have been overworked due to having to constantly hold in urine.

What are some possible causes of incontinence in women?

Causes of incontinence in women include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Overactive bladder (OAB) or urge incontinence
  • Weak pelvic floor muscles.
  • Damage to nerves that control the bladder from diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, or Parkinson’s disease
  • Damage to the bladder from injury. This can be caused by pelvic surgery, childbirth, or other vaginal surgeries such as a hysterectomy.

The treatment for urinary tract infection and incontinence will generally focus on treating the symptoms of either condition.  

Treatment may include:

  • Bowel training – to improve your symptoms of urinary incontinence by reducing the urge to go 
  • Changes in diet –to reduce the frequency and urgency of urination
  • Medications – Some medications can relax your bladder muscles, decrease urine production or act as muscle relaxants.  
  • Bladder training- to improve bladder and bowel control and reduce urge and stress incontinence
  • Physical therapy – pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.  
  • Surgery – to repair damage or remove tissues that may be causing urinary leakage or incontinence.  The type of surgery performed will depend on the cause of your incontinence.

There are many factors that may contribute to the development of incontinence. This is why it is important to discuss any changes with your doctor.

They will be able to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for you.

Can urinary incontinence be cured?

According to WebMD, about 80% of people with urinary incontinence can improve or even be cured.

This is because the majority of urinary incontinence is caused by factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, weight gain, or aging.

This type of incontinence can often be improved with bladder training and lifestyle changes.

Pelvic floor exercises can improve the strength of your pelvic floor muscles and reduce leakage.  

You may be given a set of exercises to complete for continued improvement and prevention of incontinence.  It is important to understand that these types of changes take time and patience.  While improvements in symptoms may happen quickly, total healing and preventing another urinary tract infection may take months or years.  

See Pelvic floor exercises course>>

What drinks are good for incontinence?

Consuming some foods or drinks can increase your risk of urinary tract infections (UTI).  

Please limit the following:

Caffeine – drinks such as soda, coffee, or tea.  

Carbonated beverages – these can increase pressure in your bladder and may cause leaks due to increased urgency. 

Hot spices – these include red hot chili peppers, black pepper, and horseradish.

Alcohol – this can irritate the lining of your bladder and increase the urgency or frequency to use the bathroom.


What Drinks Are Good For Incontinence

What Foods Are Good For Urinary Incontinence


How long does it take to flush out a UTI?

Most UTIs are curable. Symptoms of a bladder infection generally disappear after 24 to 48 hours following the commencement of treatment. If you have a kidney infection, symptoms may take anywhere from one week to one month to cease.

Kidney infections are more serious and can lead to severe complications.

Is Cranberry Juice Good for urinary incontinence?

Cranberry juice has been used for centuries to help combat urinary tract infections (UTIs).   The acidity in cranberries helps kill the bacteria that cause UTIs and provides a layer of protection against infections.  The active ingredient in cranberries, called proanthocyanidins, is especially effective against E. coli, the bacteria responsible for most UTIs.  

Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria. The acidity in cranberry juice helps kill the E. coli that cause most UTIs, helping to restore your urinary tract’s natural pH level and preventing future infections.

Does drinking more water help incontinence?

Drinking more water helps flush the urinary tract, which prevents urine from irritating the bladder wall.  This is why drinking plenty of fluids helps people who have stress incontinence.  

The recommended amount of water per day is 8-ounce glasses, more if you are physically active or live in hot weather conditions.

If you are particularly at risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs), you may need to drink more.

Is apple cider vinegar good for incontinence?

Apple cider vinegar contains many nutrients that support healthy bodily functions, including the function of your bladder. Digestion of nutrients is made easier by apple cider vinegar’s acetic acid content, which helps lower cholesterol and glucose levels.

This includes lowering uric acid production in the kidneys; excess amounts can cause frequent urges to urinate or make it more difficult to hold your urine.

Apple cider vinegar also contains high levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, E, and B-6. These minerals help protect the bladder against harmful bacteria which can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs).

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