How Does Cornsilk Help Incontinence?

How Does Cornsilk Help Incontinence?


For years, people have been using corn silk to help with incontinence. It is a natural remedy that has proven to be effective for many patients who suffer from this condition.

How does the corn silk work?

The benefits of this herb are numerous and they include:

  • Controlling incontinence
  • Soothing irritated tissue in the urinary tract
  • Acting as a diuretic that promotes urination
  • Strengthening the muscles that control urination.


About Cornsilk

Corn silk is an herbal remedy that has been used for thousands of years to help with a wide variety of health issues.

It is often used to help urinary tract infections, bladder-related conditions, and other illnesses that can cause incontinence such as prostate inflammation and swelling or kidney stones.

Corn silk has been proven to be very effective in helping to reduce these issues which will lead to a reduction in the frequency of accidents.

It’s also often used to help with urinary tract infections, which can be very uncomfortable and even cause serious health problems if they are not treated.

Using corn silk regularly will help you to avoid these types of infections, but it is especially effective when combined with other natural remedies like cranberry juice extract.

Here are some of the corn silk benefits for incontinence:

• Helps provide relief from fluid retention in the body.

• Can be effective in helping to treat many conditions that can cause incontinence.

• Helps to reduce urinary tract infections when taken regularly.

• Helps to dissolve kidney stones and gallstones that may be present in the body, which in turn reduces the risk of developing more serious conditions such as cancer or infection.

How is corn silk used?

There are many different ways that you can use it and each one will provide relief in its own way.

The most common way is to make tea. You will need an ounce of dried corn silk (leaves and stems), one pint of water, and sweetener (honey) if desired. Bring the water to a boil then remove it from heat. Add the corn silk leaves into your pan then put on top of the water. Replace the lid then let it sit for 4 hours.

Strain out the silk, squeeze to get all of the liquid, and sweeten with honey if desired. Drink the tea throughout the day.

How does it work?

Corn silk is a diuretic that gives a soothing and relaxing effect, which means that it helps to flush out excess fluid in your body. This can be very helpful for people who have fluid retention issues related to other conditions.

Corn silk is also very effective in helping to heal kidney infections or removing kidney stones, which can help with the relief of many bladder-related issues.

Corn silk also helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, which can help you to heal a lot faster. It’s often used as an alternative medicine for arthritis since it can help with pain relief.

Sedative properties in the plant also help with relieving urinary tract infections and bedwetting, which can make it very effective for providing relief to these types of conditions.

Side effects and precautions

Corn silk extract is considered to be very safe when used appropriately, but you should always follow the instructions on the label if you are using it to treat incontinence or another medical condition.

You should not use corn silk in place of other types of medication prescribed by your doctor for this purpose.

In some cases, it can cause mild drowsiness or nausea, but these issues are usually very mild and temporary.

Using corn silk every day as part of your regular regimen will help to make incontinence a thing of the past!

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