How Can I Stop Frequent Urination At Night?

How Can I Stop Frequent Urination At Night?


Do you have a hard time sleeping because you are constantly getting up to use the bathroom? If so, then I’ve got some great news for you.

There are several natural remedies that can be used to help stop this frequent urination at night. In this article, I’ll introduce you to some of them.

In today’s article, I want to go over a few methods that can stop nighttime urination and help you sleep better at night. Let’s get started:

Natural Remedies for Frequent Urination at Night

I’ve been told by many readers that I should write more articles on natural remedies.

And the fact of the matter is that natural remedies are an excellent addition to conventional treatments, especially if you want to avoid side effects.

So today I’ll go over some great natural remedies for stopping nighttime urination and help you get a good night’s sleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar One of the most effective home remedies for frequent urination is apple cider vinegar (ACV).

I’ve recommended ACV to many of my readers and the results have always been very good. As it’s widely known, ACV has antiseptic properties that can fight bacteria naturally.

It works by alkalizing the urine, making it difficult for bacteria to survive in your bladder.

As a result, you’ll be less likely to get infections and feel the urge to use the bathroom all night long. To try ACV for yourself, simply mix two teaspoons of ACV into a glass of water (preferably filtered water, bottled water, or distilled water) and drink it before bedtime.

Many users have tried this method with success as well, so you might want to give it a shot as well.

Cranberry Juice – If ACV doesn’t work for you, then another good natural remedy is cranberry juice.

In addition to being a diuretic, cranberry juice also has a mild antibiotic effect.

That makes it a potent tool for fighting bacteria and infections in your urinary tract. As a result, you’ll feel the urge to use the bathroom less often at night.

In order to try this remedy, simply drink one glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before bedtime.

Pumpkin seeds- If neither ACV nor cranberry juice work for you, then another good natural remedy is pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium which has great muscle relaxing properties. As a result, magnesium can relax the muscles around the bladder and help you feel less need to use the bathroom at night.

You can try this remedy by either chewing a few pumpkin seeds before bedtime or taking a magnesium supplement such as Natural Calm.

Other Remedies for Frequent Urination – The remedies I’ve mentioned above are just three natural remedies that work well for nighttime urination.

If these remedies don’t work for you, then I recommend trying other natural remedies such as:

  • Marshmallow root (anti-inflammatory effect, relieves muscle spasms in the bladder)
  • Aloe vera (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties)
  • Corn silk (increases urine flow and flushes out bacteria)
  • Dandelion root (diuretic effect, fights infections in the urinary tract)

These are just a few natural remedies to stop nighttime urination and help you sleep at night.

Other Tips To stop frequent urination at night

Limit your intake of fluids two hours before bedtime: It might be hard to avoid fluids completely before bedtime, but if possible it’s best to drink less.

The reason is that drinking too much fluid can cause you to wake up at night and use the bathroom.

Limit your intake of caffeine: Another major culprit for nighttime urination is caffeine. If you want a good night’s sleep, then it’s best to limit your intake of caffeine which can increase urinary frequency.

Limit your consumption of processed foods: Processed foods contain chemicals, preservatives, and other ingredients that can irritate the bladder and make you use the bathroom more often at night.

If you want to sleep better at night, then it’s best to cut back on processed foods and switch to a healthier diet.

Keep a voiding diary:  Keeping track of your urination pattern is very important, so I recommend making a voiding diary.

It will keep you informed about how often you need to use the bathroom at night and it might help you find out what’s causing the problem.

Kegel exercises: Kegels are some of the best exercises for urinary incontinence.

In addition to stopping nighttime urination, you can use it to strengthen your pelvic muscles and relieve stress incontinence as well. Read here –  how to do Kegels properly.

If you practice Kegel exercises on a regular basis, then it will help your bladder muscles become stronger.  

Increase your intake of magnesium-rich foods: Finally, another good idea that can help stop nighttime urination is to increase your intake of magnesium-rich foods. Magnesium relaxes the muscles in the bladder, making it less likely for you to use the bathroom at night.

To increase your magnesium intake, I recommend taking a magnesium supplement or eating more dark leafy greens.

Causes of Frequent Urination at Night

If you’re frequently using the bathroom at night, then there might be several causes for this problem.

Here are some of the most common causes of frequent urination at night:

Older age: One of the most common causes of nighttime urination is simply getting older.

As you get older, your bladder tends to become weaker and muscles around the bladder tend to lose their elasticity. This can cause you to wake up at night and use the bathroom more often than when you were young.

Drinking too much fluid or caffeine before bedtime: If you tend to drink a lot of fluids before bedtime, then it might be the cause of your nighttime urination problem.

Caffeine is another culprit that can increase urinary frequency and make you wake up at night to use the bathroom, so try limiting your consumption if needed.

Dietary salt: A high-sodium diet can cause your body to retain water, which can lead to an overworked bladder.

If you’re eating too much salt, then this might be the reason for your nighttime urination problem.

Medications: Some medications are known to irritate the bladder or increase its activity during the night.

For example, antidepressants like Prozac (Fluoxetine) can cause you to wake up at night and need to use the bathroom.

Conversely, drugs like diuretics (Lasix) might not allow your bladder to fill completely, causing it to store urine overnight.

Medical conditions: There are certain medical conditions that can lead to increased nighttime urination, including:

  • Urinary tract infection (UTI) – If you notice that you’re using the bathroom more than usual, then it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection.
  • Interstitial cystitis – This is another bladder-related ailment that can cause frequent urination at night due to irritation and inflammation of the bladder.
  • Pregnancy – Another potential cause of increased urination at night is pregnancy.
  • During the later stages of pregnancy, women tend to use the bathroom more frequently, which can make it difficult for them to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Diabetes – Diabetes is known to increase nighttime urination and it also makes it difficult for people with diabetes to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Sleep apnea – Sleep apnea is another common cause of nighttime urination and it can also disrupt your sleep because you may need to use the bathroom throughout the night.
  • Prostate enlargement – If you have an enlarged prostate, then it could be causing frequent urination at night.
  • Male Urinary Incontinence (MUI) – If you’re a man, then some of the most common causes of nighttime urination might be due to an enlarged prostate or prostatitis.
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED) – Some men also experience nighttime urination problems related to erectile dysfunction. If you have ED, then you might wake up at night to urinate because the nerves that are responsible for your urinary control are also responsible for erections.

Frequently Asked questions

Q. How many times is normal to urinate at night?

A. Most healthy people urinate between 1-4 times per night, but many of these people are also awakened by their bladders at some point in the night.

Generally, if you’re awakened by your bladder fewer than three times per night then the problem is considered normal.

If you find that you’re urinating more than 5 times per night, then this could be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Q. How can I avoid waking up at night to use the bathroom?

A. First, you should limit how much fluid you drink before bedtime, and secondly, try cutting back on caffeine during the day.

It might also be a good idea to keep track of what you eat and drink before bedtime in order to identify the possible culprits.

Q. How much fluid should I drink right before bedtime?

A. A good rule of thumb is to limit your last big drink of the day to no later than two hours before bedtime.

If you drink too much fluid, then it can fill up your bladder and cause nighttime urination. When this happens, the toilet is not far away and it might be easier for you to get up at night.

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