What Is The Home Remedy For Frequent Urination?

What Is The Home Remedy For Frequent Urination?


Frequent urination is something that has been around for a long time. There are many reasons why you may be feeling the need to go more often, but there are also many remedies that can help you feel better.

This blog post will discuss some of those home remedies and what they do to relieve your symptoms. 

You’ll find out which foods you should avoid, how stress may affect your symptoms, and what types of medications might help with frequent urination or incontinence. You’ll even learn about natural methods for treating this problem!

If you need some guidance on how to make your recurring bathroom visits less frequent, read on…

Home remedies for frequent urination

Saw Palmetto:

Saw Palmetto is a herb from the fruit of a plant native to parts of North America.

The extract from this herb has actually been used as a folk remedy for frequent urination, as well as prostate problems and incontinence. In some European countries, it’s also used for urinary tract infections.

Why does it work?

Saw Palmetto inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and has anti-inflammatory properties.

This seems to reduce symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate and frequent urination.

Recent research has shown that Saw Palmetto works about as well as finasteride for treating BPH symptoms, such as frequent urination.

In addition, typically mild side effects have been reported, including nausea and headache. In some cases, it may increase testosterone levels.

However, unlike finasteride, Saw Palmetto has not been associated with any sexual dysfunction.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from fermented apple juice. It holds many healthy properties, including acting as an antioxidant to cleanse the body of toxins and improve digestion.

It has also been used for centuries in folk remedies for urinary tract infections and frequent urination, due to its acidity.

Why does it work?

Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown in lab tests to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which might be able to help with frequent urination from a urinary tract infection.

In addition, it may increase the acidity of your urine to help you avoid infections.


Pomegranates are tart red fruits with edible seeds inside.

They may be helpful in reducing symptoms related to frequent urination because they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help control the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

Recent studies have suggested that pomegranate juice can reduce BPH symptoms and improve urine flow rate quite significantly.

Pomegranate juice can be helpful for frequent urination, especially if it is combined with Saw Palmetto extract.



Yogurt is a cultured dairy product with many healthy properties. It can help reduce symptoms of frequent urination in two ways:

  • First, it helps restore the balance of “good” bacteria in the bladder to fight off “bad” bacteria that might be causing an infection or irritating your bladder.
  • Second, it contains probiotics that help digest lactose, so consumption of yogurt can reduce urination frequency due to lactose intolerance.

Baking Soda:

Baking Soda is a common staple in many pantries.

It can help reduce your symptoms of frequent urination for two reasons:

  • First, it is alkaline and helps restore the optimal pH levels of your urine to prevent bacteria from growing or irritating your bladder.
  • Second, it contains high amounts of potassium which acts as a water-binding agent to help you stay hydrated so that your body won’t have to work as hard during urination.

Basil Leaves:

Basil is an aromatic herb that has many health benefits, including antibacterial properties.

Recent studies suggest that consuming basil leaves may reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections and be helpful in resolving cases of overactive bladder with frequent urination.

If you make tea with fresh basil leaves, it also helps your body stay hydrated.


Cranberries are small red fruits that can be found in the produce section of most grocery stores.

They have been consumed for centuries to prevent and treat urinary tract infections, thanks to their high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

When consumed in their natural form, cranberry juice may help fight bacteria that cause urinary tract infections and bladder infections.

Cranberry juice can also be helpful for frequent urination due to lactose intolerance by helping you digest the lactose.

Celery Seeds:

Celery seeds are small, round seeds found in the produce section of most grocery stores.

They have been used for centuries to treat many health conditions, including urinary tract infections due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Multiple studies have shown that celery seed extract can reduce BPH symptoms without any significant side effects.


Cinnamon is a sweet, pungent spice commonly used in baking and cooking.

It has shown anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the irritation of the urinary tract which can make you more prone to frequent urination.

A study on cinnamon’s antioxidant properties showed it reduced oxidative stress – one of the main causes of urinary tract infections and bladder inflammation.

Cinnamon is also a natural digestive aid, so it may help reduce the frequency of urination that is caused by gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome.

Indian Gooseberry Juice:

Indian Gooseberry is one of the most effective plants with medicinal properties.

Indian Gooseberry juice contains high antioxidant levels that are excellent for the skin, hair, heart, stomach, liver, and respiratory system.

One study revealed that it can help fight bacteria in the urinary tract which has been linked to chronic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

It also demonstrated immune-boosting properties which can help fight off infectious microorganisms that might trigger frequent urination or bladder infections.

A glass of Indian Gooseberry juice provides 50% of your daily vitamin C requirement, so it can also help you stay hydrated and flush out toxins by increasing urine production.

lifestyle Changes


  • Change foods you eat: There are several kinds of food that can cause urinary incontinence for some people. Some examples are spicy or acidic foods, caffeine, dairy products, and processed meats. If you are one of the many people who are sensitive to these foods, cutting them out of your diet might help reduce bathroom trips.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids is always a good idea for overall health. For bladder problems, it can also help regulate how often you need to go.
  • Kegel exercises: Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. They can also guide you to recognize which part of your body is involved in urination so that you can properly use Kegel techniques to stop unwanted leaking. Kegel exercises are easy to do anywhere. The first step is to find the right muscles. You can try stopping your urine midstream or tightening other muscles in your body and noticing which ones feel different from the rest. Once you have identified those muscles, practice flexing them for a few seconds at a time, resting a few seconds between each contraction. As your muscles get stronger, you can work on holding the contraction for longer periods of time.
  • Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a technique that uses special sensors to help you understand what’s happening in your body during exercises like Kegel exercises. You can use these sensors to see how well you’re contracting the muscles and if there are any muscles you may be overusing. This tool can give you much more accurate results than trying to do exercises by yourself. It can also be used to monitor if you are performing the moves correctly so that you don’t end up overworking certain muscles that need to rest.
  • Relaxation techniques: Being stressed can make the feeling of needing to urinate much worse. Take some time each day to relax and forget about your bladder. There are many great relaxation techniques that you can use to get rid of this problem, including meditation, visualization, or yoga. Using these techniques can help you relax your muscles and mind, allowing you to properly focus on your bladder during the day.
  • Use an incontinence product: If changing your diet doesn’t reduce your bathroom trips, consider using a product that allows you to go longer between accidents. One of the most common types is incontinence pads that you can put into your underwear, but there is also disposable underwear with extra layers of protection. There are also products specifically designed to reduce leakings, such as incontinence pads with special absorbent material or reusable panties with a waterproof lining. If none of these options work for you, talk with your doctor about other treatment options, including surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of incontinence?

There are three main types of incontinence: stress incontinence, urge incontinence and overflow incontinence.

Stress incontinence happens when you don’t have any control over your bladder muscles, causing urine to leak out because of activities like coughing or sneezing.

Urge incontinence happens when you need to urinate immediately and can’t make it to the bathroom in time.

Overflow incontinence is similar, but it doesn’t happen because of activities like coughing or sneezing. Instead, it happens when your bladder isn’t emptying properly, leaving excess urine behind.

What are some common causes of incontinence?

Some common causes of incontinence include:

  • The most common cause is simple aging. As you get older, your bladder muscles lose their elasticity and can’t hold urine as well. This makes it easier for leakage to happen.
  • Being pregnant or having multiple vaginal deliveries can also weaken the muscles and cause incontinence.
  • Having bladder or prostate surgery can damage these muscles and make it difficult to hold urine, especially if the sphincter (the muscle that controls urination) was injured.
  • Some medications can also lead to incontinence, especially diuretics (water pills), which make your body use urine more quickly.
  • Being overweight can put a lot of stress on your bladder and make it difficult to control, as well as making you more likely to have issues with incontinence later in life.
  • Having neurological problems or memory issues can cause incontinence because the brain isn’t sending the correct signals to the bladder muscles.

What are some common signs and symptoms of incontinence?

Some common signs and symptoms include:

  • The feeling that you need to go to the bathroom, even if nothing will come out.
  • A sudden urge to urinate, such as having your worst stomachache ever or suddenly feeling like you can’t hold it anymore.
  • Leaking urine, such as if it runs down your leg or leaks out when you laugh or cough.
  • A wet spot on your clothes after a bladder accident that doesn’t go away quickly.
  • Pain and discomfort in the pelvic and genital area.

These symptoms can also indicate other health issues, like infections or kidney stones, so it’s important to always get checked out by a doctor if you feel like something might be wrong.

Why Does Soda Cause frequent urination?

As you probably know, caffeine and carbonated drinks like soda can make you go to the bathroom more often.

The effects of caffeine on the bladder are actually pretty interesting: it causes your muscles to contract more quickly and intensely than usual, which forces a quick release of urine. This is why drinking a lot of caffeinated beverages at once can make you go to the bathroom right away.

However, caffeine is also a diuretic, which means it makes you urinate more often and in larger amounts. This happens because your blood vessels expand when you drink caffeine and it pulls excess fluid out of your tissues into your bloodstream. Pushing that fluid back into your bladder can trigger frequent trips to the bathroom.

So what does this mean for soda? Carbonation can also make you go to the bathroom more often because bubbles force liquid up into your bowel and stomach which then makes you feel like you need to go quickly.

As a result of all these different factors, caffeine and carbonation together can cause frequent urination.



Related Post:

What Drinks Are Good For Incontinence? (stopurineleakage.com)

How Can I Stop Leaking Urine During Pregnancy? (stopurineleakage.com)

How Can I Stop Peeing When I Cough? (stopurineleakage.com)



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