What Drinks Are Good For Incontinence?
It’s a good idea to stay hydrated, but what should you drink if you’re struggling with incontinence?
Good news: there are plenty of beverages that will help keep you feeling confident and dry.
Here’s the low-down on some of our favorites.
Incontinence can be embarrassing and difficult to cope with, both physically and emotionally.
However, it is possible for people who struggle with bladder control to still lead active lives by drinking healthy fluids throughout the day while taking care not to exceed their fluid needs at any given time.
Whether your issue is due to an underlying condition or just aging in general, we’ve got tips for how to stay hydrated without worrying about accidents!
Read more below for our top picks when it comes to drinks that are good for incontinence.
What drinks are good for incontinence?
Here are some drinks that are good for incontinence:
Water: The stand-by! Nothing quenches thirst better than water, and it’s smart to drink plenty of it each day to stay hydrated.
Coconut water: contains potassium and electrolytes, which can reduce swelling in the bladder and other parts of the urinary tract.
Non-citrus juice: non-citrus juice like apple juice (in moderation) can help to decrease bacteria in the urinary tract as well as increase urine flow, both of which may reduce incontinence.
Watermelon Juice: Watermelon juice is another good source of potassium, which can help reduce incontinence symptoms.
What drink you should avoid if you have incontinence?
Drinks that you should avoid if you have incontinence are caffeine, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.
Caffeine: In small doses, caffeine can work as a diuretic to increase urine flow and decrease incontinence symptoms. However, in larger quantities, it can have exactly the opposite effect on your bladder!
Carbonated drinks: just like caffeine, carbonated drinks have a similar effect – they increase urine flow which usually means that you’ll have to pee more often.
Alcohol: Alcohol is loaded with calories and dehydrates the body, so even just a few drinks could leave you feeling dehydrated and increase your incontinence symptoms.
Most importantly, always check with a doctor about any type of incontinence to get the best treatment methods for you.
These beverages can help to reduce incontinence symptoms, but it is always a good idea for people who struggle with bladder control to be medically evaluated by a doctor or health care provider to get the best treatment method that works for them.
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What Foods Are Good For Urinary Incontinence (stopurineleakage.com)
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