How To Live With Pelvic Organ Prolapse

How To Live With Pelvic Organ Prolapse


Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition where the pelvic organs drop from their normal position. It is often caused by childbirth, but it can also be due to an underlying problem such as a hysterectomy or invasive surgery.

There are many symptoms that you may experience including pain in your back and pelvis, leaking of urine or feces, vaginal discharge, difficulty using the bathroom, and bowel problems.

Doctors usually recommend surgery to repair the prolapse which involves stitching together tissues that have been weakened or stretched out.

This blog post will provide information about what causes this condition and how you can live with it without having to go through any medical procedures!


This article is written for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information should not be construed as offering medical opinions. Any of the recommended treatments presented here may cause side effects and complications of varying severity; therefore one must always consult a medical professional before administering any treatment.

How does an organ prolapse occur?

Prolapse occurs when the supportive tissue beneath the pelvic organs becomes stretched out. This can be caused by childbirth, hysterectomy, natural aging, or invasive surgeries in your pelvic region.

Having too much weight put on your pelvic floor can also cause this problem. You may have heard that losing weight can reduce your likelihood of dealing with pelvic organ prolapse, but this isn’t the only way to prevent it!

How can you avoid getting an organ prolapse?

You can do regular exercises for women in order to strengthen your muscles. Kegel exercises are a great start. Even walking or running on a daily basis can help prevent this condition as long as you don’t push yourself too hard.

Staying at the same weight over time is another way to avoid dealing with prolapse or other pelvic organ problems.

How can you recover from a pelvic organ prolapse?

There are many different non-surgical treatments that your doctor may use in order to correct your prolapse.

The most common one is Kegel exercises. These are done by squeezing your pelvic floor muscles ten times in a row, then relaxing for about five seconds, and repeating the process until you’ve completed 10 sets. You may want to do them three or four times a day at first and build up from there.

Another common treatment is using a pessary. This is a device that fits into the vagina and helps to support the pelvic organs until they recover. Your doctor will fit you with one and teach you how to insert it properly before sending you on your way!

You may also be given medications such as estrogen, which can help ease the symptoms of prolapse by strengthening the support tissues.

How can you avoid surgery?

You may be able to prevent surgery by doing your Kegel exercises or using a pessary. You may also want to speak with your doctor about pelvic floor physical therapy, which is done in order to increase the strength of your muscles so they can better support your pelvic organs.

How to live with pelvic organ prolapse?

Even if you have pelvic organ prolapse, you can still live a healthy and fulfilling life. Here are some tips that will help you to deal with this condition:

  • Do your Kegel exercises every day.
  • Try using a pessary if you have symptoms such as leakage or fecal soiling. This will help to support the organs until they recover.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard during exercise and try not to lift a weight that is beyond what you can handle comfortably.
  • Buy a comfortable and supportive pair of underwear. Padded ones will ensure that your organs don’t come in contact with anything that they shouldn’t.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. The caffeine can stimulate the bladder and cause you to leak, and the alcohol will irritate your organs.
  • Try to lose weight in a healthy way if you notice that it’s getting too high for your body type.
  • Be sure to go to the bathroom when necessary! Leaking urine or fecal soiling will make you feel uncomfortable and can also lead to UTIs or yeast infections.
  • Wear pads if there’s a chance that you may leak even a few drops of urine. 
  • Wear fitted clothing that is appropriate for your size and avoid wearing outfits that are too tight or don’t fit you right. Try to shop at in-store brands whenever possible because their clothes tend to be more comfortable for larger women.
  • Include healthy fiber sources in your diet so that you’ll have more regular bowel movements.  Foods such as apples, apricots, broccoli, carrots, whole wheat bread, or pasta are all great choices.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day. This will help with bowel movements and just feeling better overall!
  • Don’t ignore symptoms such as pain or discharge in order to avoid dealing with them! This can lead to more serious problems down the line. If you’re experiencing symptoms, speak with your doctor right away. They will be able to help you get the treatment you need in order to feel better!

If you adhere to all of these tips, it’s possible for you to live a healthy and happy life even if you’re dealing with pelvic organ prolapse.

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