How Do You Fix A Weak Bladder?

How Do You Fix A Weak Bladder? 18 Tips Included


The bladder is the organ that stores urine. When it’s full, it sends a signal to your brain telling you when to go to the bathroom.

A weak bladder can make this difficult for people who suffer from urinary incontinence or another condition, like diabetes. If you want to learn how to fix a weak bladder, read on! 

There are some easy things that you can do at home that will help with fixing your weak bladder problem!

How do you fix a weak bladder?

Here are 18 tips to help fix your weak bladder. 

1.  Get your bladder stronger through exercise

The best way to improve the strength of your bladder is with Kegel exercises. A weak bladder can cause problems like urinary incontinence. If you want to learn how to fix a weak bladder, then do some kegel exercises! These are supposed to be done by clenching the muscles in your pelvic floor. Keep doing these until you feel them getting stronger!

2. Add fiber to your diet

Fiber is important for a healthy digestive tract, but it can also help strengthen your bladder too. If you want to fix a weak bladder then add more fiber into your diet. You can eat high-fiber foods like oatmeal, flaxseed, popcorn, and nuts.

3.   Use the bathroom at certain times

If you wait until it’s too late to go to the bathroom then your bladder will be weaker than it would have been if you went beforehand! Avoid drinking lots of liquids before bedtime so that you can wake up in the morning with a full bladder.

4.  Avoid lifting heavy objects

A weak bladder can sometimes be caused by straining when you lift heavy items. If the pelvic floor feels the strain and it’s not strong enough, then your bladder might let go. You can easily prevent this by making sure that you lift objects in a healthy way!

5. Lose excess weight

This might seem obvious, but if your weight is over the line then it could cause problems with your bladder. If you are overweight, then losing excess pounds will make your bladder stronger!

6. Stay well hydrated

A healthy body needs lots of water. If you aren’t drinking enough, then your bladder won’t be as strong as it could be!

7. Build up to your running routine gradually

If you want to build up the strength in your bladder before running then it’s best to do so gradually. Avoid doing too much at once or it will be too strenuous on your body.

8. Practice good hygiene habits

Hygiene will improve the strength of your bladder by not allowing bacteria to grow in it. This can cause problems like urinary tract infections, which are painful and weaken the bladder! If you want to fix a weak bladder, make sure that you wash regularly with soap and water!

9. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet will do wonders for your bladder and all of the other organs in your body too! It’s good to stay away from processed foods and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables instead because they’re high in fiber and nutrients that keep you strong!

10. Make sure you’re getting enough calcium

Sometimes your bladder doesn’t work right because it lacks the strength to hold onto pee. Calcium can make your muscles stronger and improve your bladder’s function! If you want to fix a weak bladder, then try adding dairy products like milk or cheese in your diet.

11. Try to prevent constipation

Constipation is when you don’t have bowel movements very often, and this can cause problems with your bladder. If you are constipated then the bad bacteria in your colon will travel to your bladder through your urethra. This can cause infections that are painful for you, so try adding more fiber to your diet if you want to fix a weak bladder.

12. Skip the carbonated drinks

Carbonated water will weaken your bladder because it doesn’t have any nutrients! When you drink these kinds of beverages, then you’re only giving yourself a caffeine boost and they don’t do anything to strengthen your bladder or make you feel better from a fullness standpoint. If you want to make your bladder stronger, then avoid drinking carbonated drinks and go for something healthier instead!

13. Take a break from caffeine

Caffeine can cause frequent urination, which is definitely not good for those who want to fix a weak bladder! Too much caffeine will force you to use the bathroom more often than you would like, so try not to drink more than one cup of coffee or tea per day!

14. Don’t eat sugary snacks

Sugary food gives you lots of short-term energy, but it doesn’t do anything by way of making your bladder stronger! Sugary foods are terrible for the body and can cause problems like obesity, which weakens your body and causes your bladder to fail! If you want to fix a weak bladder then avoid eating sugary snacks, cakes, or any other sweet treat that does nothing but damage.

15. Make sure you’re using the right kind of toilet tissue

If you use thick toilet paper on your anus when you wipe, then it can cause cleanings to be too harsh for your skin. The skin around the anus is very sensitive, so it’s best to use water or wet wipes if you want to fix a weak bladder.

16. Warm-up before exercising

Before you start exercising, try stretching out first! This will make sure that your muscles are ready for physical activity and reduce the chances of any damage being done to your bladder.

17. Don’t drink too much water before exercising

Drinking a lot of water can be dangerous if you want to fix a weak bladder because it can cause hyponatremia. When you drink too much then this is what happens: the amount of sodium in the blood drops and causes your cells to swell, which can lead to more serious problems like heart failure. If you want to fix a weak bladder then try not drinking too much water before exercising because it will reduce the chances of damaging your body tissues!

18. Take confitrol24: Bladder Control supplement

Confitrol 24 is a supplement that was specially created to help you deal with a weak bladder. The ingredients in this product were carefully selected because they make your muscles stronger and prevent damage from occurring due to urine leakage!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Confitrol24?

Confitrol 24 is a natural supplement that was created to solve problems like urinary incontinence and bladder leakage. This product has been specially designed to strengthen your pelvic muscles by working with your body’s metabolism. By taking Confitrol 24 every day, then you’ll be able to enjoy better bladder control and prevent urinary leakage.

This product can also help you feel better during the day because it’s packed with healthy ingredients that are known to provide long-lasting energy.

See Confitrol Supplement>>

Can you reverse weak bladder?

Yes, the bladder is a muscle and if you strengthen it, then you’ll be able to make it stronger and prevent damage from occurring. If your muscles are too weak and not able to work properly, then this can cause complications like urinary leakage, which we definitely want to avoid!

What causes the bladder to be weak?

The most common causes of a weak bladder are obesity, pregnancy, and childbirth, Menopause, Cystocele, and pelvic organ prolapse. There can be other factors that cause problems with the bladder too, but these are some of the most common.

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the muscles that support your bladder, uterus, and rectum become weak and allow these organs to fall. This can cause urine leakage and other discomforts like lower back pain! If you want to fix a weak bladder then avoid problems like this because it can be dangerous!



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