Can Pessary Cause Urine Leakage?

Can Pessary Cause Urine Leakage?


A pessary is a medical device that helps with pelvic prolapse, or when the uterus drops down into the vagina. Pessaries are worn in the vagina to hold up the uterus. The main risk of a pessary is that it can cause damage to the vagina.

This could lead to urine leakage from getting wet from sex or from sweating if not cleaned properly after each use.

It is important for women using a pessary to practice safe sex and always use a condom, as well as urinate before and after intercourse as well as after using the pessary.

A common symptom of a pessary slipping is when you feel like you are sitting on something, or that something has moved down inside your vagina, this can be relieved by putting the pessary into a different position.

If you find that it starts to leak urine when having sex then it may be time to visit your doctor as this is not normal.

You should have your pessary checked by a doctor if you are having any uncomfortable symptoms, such as pain while wearing it.

A doctor may try to reposition the pessary. If there is no improvement the doctor may suggest removing it or changing it for another one with a different size or design.

It would be advisable not to use a pessary for any other reason than to deal with pelvic prolapse.

Lasting damage can be done to the vagina and bladder if worn incorrectly. It is vital to go to a doctor for advice and follow their instructions as each women will be different.

How long is it safe to leave a pessary in?

A typical pessary can be left in for up to four to six months, or until your healthcare provider advises you otherwise.

It is important that the pessary is taken out and cleaned at least twice a week.

You should never use soap to wash your pessary, only rinse it with water or saltwater solution. If you notice that your pessary has become worn down, discolored or damaged in any way then it may be time to look for a new one.

Can women use tampons and pessaries at the same time?

No, you cannot wear a pessary and tampon at the same time in fact, you should only use one or the other. Using both at once may cause vaginal irritation and increase your chances of infection.

If you do split them up then it is important that you change your tampon before inserting a pessary, and remember to urinate just before using either product.

You also need to take care when removing your tampon, if you are worried that it may be difficult then be sure to visit a doctor.

Once the tampon is out, wash your hands thoroughly before inserting the pessary.

Can pessary cause urine leakage?

The pessary itself does not cause urinary leakage, but when inserted incorrectly it may pull on the urethra or vaginal wall which in turn leads to urine leaking out.

A pessary can also help if you have stress incontinence – which is when you leak urine when you laugh, sneeze or cough – it can also be used to treat urinary incontinence.

If you experience any problems such as urinary leakage while using a pessary then visit your GP as soon as possible.

It could be that the pessary has been inserted incorrectly and needs to be repositioned.

What are the different types of Pessaries?

There are several different types of pessaries, including ring pessaries, disc pessaries and Gellhorn pessaries.

Ring Pessary: A ring shaped device that is inserted high into the vagina to support the uterus or bladder neck.

Disc Pessary: You wear this type of pessary inside your vagina at the base of the bladder, to support a prolapsed bladder or uterus.

Gellhorn Pessary: A Gellhorn pessary is similar to a ring pessary, but it’s designed to be extra-supportive.

It has arms that extend upwards, which helps to keep the vagina open and avoid discomfort, especially during sex.

It’s available only on prescription, and it’s more suitable for women with severe prolapse.

If you feel like your pessary is causing discomfort or any other symptoms then visit your doctor as soon as possible.

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