What Happens When You Have a Weak Bladder

What Happens When You Have a Weak Bladder


There is nothing worse than having a weak bladder. You can’t control yourself and you feel like you are going to explode.

The worst thing about having a weak bladder is that it can actually be quite dangerous. In this article, we will tell you how your bladder works and what makes it weak.

We will also give you some tips on how to stop yourself from pissing yourself.

How does your bladder work?

The bladder is like a balloon that you pee into. When you drink, your body tells the bladder to fill up with piss and it gets bigger and bigger until you go pee. There are tubes called urethra where urine goes in and out of the bladder.

Can you imagine how horrible it is when you have a weak bladder and your bladder just keeps filling up with urine?

The pressure in the bladder is very high. It’s actually similar to having 60 pounds of weight pushing down on your bladder.

If you don’t get yourself to the bathroom in time, you are going to get an infection or peepee all over yourself.

What happens when you have a weak bladder?

When you have a weak bladder, pee just leaks out whenever it gets the chance. Usually, this happens when you laugh too hard, cough or sneeze.

When pee comes out of your bladder, it’s called urinary incontinence. Peeing yourself is also known as “accidental urination” and/or “unintentional urination”.

If you have a weak bladder, you might even wet yourself when you are sleeping. That is because you don’t feel the pressure of your bladder waking you up. That is why it’s important to always wear diapers to bed if you have a weak bladder.

Why does your bladder get weak?

There are many reasons why someone has a weak bladder. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Pregnancy – This is the most common cause of having a weak bladder for women that are not able to control their bladders at all during pregnancy, especially during the last months.
  • Childbirth – Giving birth is also another common cause of women not being able to control their bladders after they gave birth. During childbirth, you can seriously injure your bladder and it will never be the same again.
  • Age – When you get older, you lose muscle tone. For women, this is more common after they have children. After childbirth, your muscles are stretched out and you lose tone.
  • Diseases – When people get diseases that affect their nervous systems or abdominal organs, it can cause them to not be able to control their bladders. This is especially true if the person has had a stroke or a spinal cord injury.
  • Nerve damage – Sometimes, people can lose the nerve that makes them able to control their bladders after they have had surgery on their prostate. This is pretty common for older men.

How to stop yourself from peeing all over yourself?

There are actually quite a few ways that you can stop yourself from pissing all over yourself. You just need to know what works best for you and then stick with it!

Here are some tips that can really help you if you have a weak bladder.



Wear pads or diapers to make sure that you don’t wet yourself. It might seem embarrassing at first, but it’s a lot less embarrassing than having your clothes soaked in pee. You can find a variety of incontinence products on Amazon.

Losing weight. This is especially important for overweight women. When you lose weight, it can take some pressure off your bladder, and then you won’t need to go pee as often as before.

Cutting down on caffeine and alcohol. If you drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated drinks, it makes your bladder hold on to urine for longer than usual. If you’re constantly holding in pee, then your bladder is just getting more and more full which can lead to an accident. Alcohol also has the same effect so it’s best to limit how much you drink when you’re starting to get the urge to go pee.

Cutting down on soda. Drinking sugary drinks like soda can also make your bladder more full than it would be if you were drinking water instead. If your bladder is already full, then it’s easy to get an accident even if you don’t have a weak bladder.

Drinking plenty of water. When you drink plenty of water, it makes your urine less concentrated and that means that there is less risk for an infection or urinary tract infection (UTI). If you’re already having problems with a UTI and they keep coming back, then drinking more water can help to prevent it from happening again.

Pelvic floor exercises. This is really important for pregnant women who have weak bladders because it reduces the pressure on your bladder so you don’t need to go pee as often. Even if you’re not pregnant, it’s still really good to do pelvic floor exercises. Whenever you do these exercises, it tones up your muscles so it makes it easier to go when you need to. You can also check out an in-depth article about pelvic floor exercises over here.

Try going for walks every day. This is very healthy and will tone the muscles you need to hold your pee in.

Bladder control supplement

If you have tried all of these things, but they just aren’t working, then you may want to consider taking a bladder control supplement. There are quite a few out there that can really help if you need them.

The best thing about these supplements is that they’re natural and they won’t cause any harmful side effects like prescription medication might.

Here is an article about bladder control supplements that can really help if you have a weak bladder.

Deep breathing can also help relieve stress, which can help you hold your pee in. It’s also very healthy for you.

Medical treatment is also an option!

If lifestyle changes don’t work, your doctor may prescribe medication to make sure that the muscles around your bladder are contracting properly.

Surgery might even be necessary if lifestyle changes and medications don’t seem to help.

This is definitely an option that you don’t want to consider though.

When you have very weak bladder control, surgery can help to make sure that the muscles around your bladder are contracting properly. It also helps to make sure that there isn’t any damage to your bladder or urethra which could lead to incontinence issues later on down the road.

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