What Exercise Is Best For Urine Leakage

What Exercise Is Best For Urine Leakage | Bladder Control


There are lots of women who are dealing with their urinary incontinence secretly.

In fact, one out of three women is known to have experience urine leakage problem.

In most cases, pelvic floor exercises can help gain control over their leaking issues.

The pelvic floor muscles act like a sling to support your vagina, uterus, bowels, bladder, and rectum. That’s why keeping your pelvic floor strong is so valuable for women of all ages and stages of life.

Almost all the pelvic floor therapists will suggest you do kegel exercise if you want to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Kegel exercise can work wonder inside your body. It is also one of the best and inexpensive way to help your body prepare for delivery and even recover after childbirth.

This exercise is simple, and you can do them almost anywhere- without anyone knowing that you’re doing kegel exercise.

Doing this exercise on a regular basis helps to relieve symptoms of various problems that result from weakened pelvic floor muscles such as urinary stress incontinence, prolapsed uterus, ureteroceles, cystoceles, and rectoceles.

The kegel exercises can be done by any woman to increase the strength of the pelvic floor and improve you to stop urine leakage.

A report also showed that a strong pelvic floor might help shorten the second stage of labor, and after childbirth. 

Why Does Your Pelvic Floor Become Weak?

Your pelvic floor muscles can be weakened due to the following reasons-

  • Not keeping them active;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Constipation
  • Being overweight
  • Heavy lifting
  • Prolonged cough
  • Growing older

A review of studies showed that women who wet themselves when they sneeze or cough are more likely to see improvement when taking pelvic floor muscle training than those women who didn’t. 

For pregnant women, this exercise can help their body cope with carrying the extra weight of their growing baby.

Having strong pelvic floor muscles can significantly ease labor and delivery.

It is generally safe for a mum to begin this training a few days after giving birth or as soon as she feels able to.

Benefits Of Pelvic Floor Muscles Exercise (Kegels)

What are the Benefits of Kegel exercises?

  • It improves your control over bladder and bowel function, reducing the risk of uterine prolapse.
  • Increased sexual sensation and orgasmic potential
  • Boost your postpartum recovery, so you heal and feel better
  • Better recovery after gynecologic surgery.
  • Improved social confidence and quality of life

You can do kegel exercise at any time of the day, be it sitting or lying down.

You can also perform these exercises even when you are eating, sitting at a desk, driving, or even when you are resting or watching your favorite TV program.

How to Locate the Right Pelvic Floor Muscles?

When you are doing kegel exercise, you’re going to pretend to urinate and then stop the flow of pee. 

It’s essential to find the right kind of muscles to tighten. So, next time when you’re urinating- start to go and then stop for a second or two.

When you are using the pelvic floor muscles, you will feel a slight pulling in the vagina and rectum.  If you feel your vagina muscles to be tightened, that means you are doing the exercise the right way.

Your buttock muscles, thigh, and abdomen should remain relaxed while doing pelvic floor exercises.

If you are not sure if your right muscles are getting tightened, insert one of your fingers into your vagina, up to about the first knuckle joint.

Tighten the muscles, just like you are holding in your urine, then let go. You should be able to feel the muscles tightened and move up and down. 

How to Do Kegel Exercise?


Once you understood what the movement feels like, perform kegel exercise three times a day.

  • Step 1: Always make sure that your bladder is empty before kegel exercise, then sit or lie down.
  • Step 2: Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Squeeze the muscles for three to five seconds, or just hold for as long as you can.
  • Step 3: Relax the muscles and count three to five seconds
  • Step 4: Repeat this squeeze ten times, with a rest in between, three times a day ( morning, afternoon and night )

While doing Kegel Exercise, do not hold your breath -keep breathing.

More Benefits of Kegel exercises

If you performed kegel exercise correctly, you could expect results such as stop urine leakage, in about a few weeks to a few months.  It will also make your pelvic floor muscles stronger and tighten your vagina and potentially make your orgasms much more intense.

Other benefits include-

Reduce Fecal Incontinence for Proper Bowel Control 

According to some particular reviews, doing kegel exercise for at least three times a day for more than five weeks showed better control over your urine flow. It supports the bladder and bowel, which in return, help reduce incontinence.

Practicing Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy Can Reduce Discomfort.

Executing kegel exercise is one of the most impactful remedies for pregnant women; it helps by strengthening the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowels.

By strengthening these muscles, you can develop the ability to relax and control the muscles in preparation for labor and birth.  It will reduce pain, stiffness, and immobility for both labor and childbirth.

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