Urine Leakage During Pregnancy Third Trimester

Urine Leakage During Pregnancy Third Trimester


Pregnancy is an exciting time for all couples. Couples are usually filled with joy and happiness when they get their first positive pregnancy test, but the journey of having a baby can be quite scary at times.

Women go through many changes during this nine-month period, including physical and hormonal changes that may cause them to leak urine while pregnant in the third trimester.

The third trimester is considered the most challenging of all three. Many women experience leaking urine while pregnant in the third trimester due to the baby’s head pressing on their bladder.

What can be done? If you are experiencing any discomfort because of this issue, your doctor may suggest that you put a pillow between your legs to take off some of the pressure from your bladder.

Is urine leaking in the third trimester normal?

It is fairly common for women to experience urine leakage while pregnant in the third trimester.

Your body is going through a lot of changes, and this could possibly lead to leaking of urine when you sneeze or cough.

A lot of women find that they become more prone to leaking urine when they get into an argument with their significant other, because of the stress that you are experiencing at this time, it is highly advised that you avoid taking these issues out on your partner.

The best way to get rid of stress is to take a walk or do some calming exercises like yoga or meditating.

Some women can even experience leaking of urine during pregnancy when they are performing certain activities, such as exercising or lifting heavy objects.

How can I control incontinence in the third trimester?

Instead of taking control over your bladder, you can easily make lifestyle changes to prevent this issue entirely.

As mentioned earlier, using a pillow when you are taking a nap or sitting down in an office chair will help support the weight of your abdomen. You should avoid carrying heavy objects that may cause pressure on your bladder by lifting with your knees instead of your back.

You should also try to avoid standing for long periods of time, as this can cause you more discomfort and will make incontinence more noticeable.

In addition to lifestyle changes, you can add a couple of pelvic floor exercises to your daily routine. There are several types of exercises that you can perform that will help strengthen your muscles and prevent urine leakage during pregnancy.

Last but definitely not least, if these measures don’t work for you, your doctor may recommend wearing a panty liner or pad to absorb any urine leakage until your pregnancy is over.


If you are leaking urine when you are performing an activity, make sure to hydrate yourself before you start.

If you are experiencing urine leakage when you are sitting, make sure that there is enough padding or support under your rear end.

You can also try to avoid staying seated in the same place for more than an hour by standing up every once in a while and moving around.

How do I know if I’m leaking urine or discharge?

Another thing that women have trouble distinguishing is urine leakage and discharge. The two can be very difficult to tell apart, but you should try to make it a habit of paying attention to both types of fluids if you are having difficulties.

The best way to distinguish between the two is by looking at the color. Discharge should appear clear or white. Urine leakage, on the other hand, should appear yellowish in color because of its high concentration of urea.

This will allow you to take an easier guess at what type of fluid is coming out of your body.

It’s also important to note that discharge should have a subtle smell, while urine leakage has a very strong smell. This should give you enough hints to tell them apart.

However, it is still possible for the color to look different based on what you eat, so if the fluid has a yellow tint to it but does not smell like urine, then chances are that it is discharged.

If you think that you might be leaking urine or discharge, make sure to keep an eye out for any signs of infection.

An infection can cause discharges to have a fishy smell, which can help you distinguish them from normal discharge.

Urine leakage during pregnancy is very common and should not cause any major problems for you unless it becomes debilitating. Make use of the tips mentioned above to prevent urine leakage or start making lifestyle changes right now to avoid it altogether.

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