Is Urinary Incontinence A Normal Part Of Aging


Do you find yourself peeing more often than you used to?

It’s not just a normal part of aging, it might be a sign that your bladder isn’t as strong as it once was.

Urinary incontinence is common in people over 40 and can happen for many reasons including pregnancy, childbirth, pelvic floor disorders, or diabetes.

There are treatments available to help manage the condition and stop embarrassing leaks from happening.

A few signs that urinary incontinence might be a problem include:

  • Feeling like you’re always having to go
  • Frequent or urgent need to pee, even when you just went a few minutes ago
  • Wetting yourself without any warning before getting to the bathroom
  • Having to rush to get there in time
  • Being unable to hold your bladder for long periods of time

If these problems sound like you, then you might have urinary incontinence.

Don’t suffer in silence, there are solutions available to you.

Urinary incontinence is not something that happens as a natural part of aging. If it’s happening to you now or if it has suddenly started recently, talk with your doctor about treatment options.

How are urinary incontinence related to aging?

  • Aging reduces your body’s natural defenses against bladder problems
  • Over time, the muscles around your bladder might start to weaken and lose tone, making it harder for them to control when you pee.
  • Weak pelvic floor muscles make it harder for your bladder to hold the volume of urine that it needs to.
  • Aging also starts to wear away at collagen, which is something that helps keep the walls of the bladder strong and firm.
  • When you’re older, you might notice changes in your bladder which make it difficult to hold urine in your bladder for longer periods of time.
  • Aging also reduces the amount of estrogen in your body, which can make it difficult for you to hold urine and keep a strong bladder.

Be sure to speak with your doctor about urinary incontinence if:

– You suddenly notice that you’re always having to pee or never seem to get a break from needing to go

– You find you are constantly waking up in the night to pee, even when your bladder is presumably empty.

– You are having accidents more frequently

– You have noticed that over time it has become harder to hold your urine when you think about it.

Urinary incontinence can be treated! There are treatment options available, such as:

  1. Dressing in stronger pads and taking measures to avoid accidents.
  2. Exercising your pelvic floor muscles on a regular basis can help prevent urinary incontinence from getting worse by strengthening the bladder.
  3. A supplement like confitrol24 can help prevent urinary incontinence in a safe and natural way.

Confitrol24 is one of the safest ways to overcome urinary incontinence, it’s made from 100% natural ingredients with no side effects.

It helps strengthen your bladder muscles by enhancing blood circulation, which means that it will be much easier for you to use the bathroom when you need it.

Confitrol24 is a supplement that can be bought online from its official website if you prefer using the convenience of having this product delivered directly to your home.

At what age does urinary incontinence start?

Urinary incontinence can start at any point in your life, but it is most commonly found in people over the age of 40.

It’s not something that you should ignore, many older people are reluctant to talk about incontinence because they feel embarrassed or think that there aren’t treatment options available.

There are plenty of things that you can do to manage incontinence if it happens to you, even if your doctor isn’t able to offer a cure.

Urinary incontinence is not an inevitable part of getting older!

As long as you talk with your doctor about treatment options, there are plenty of things that you can do to keep your bladder under control and avoid the embarrassment of accidents.

Do not suffer in silence!

With the right treatment and a few lifestyle changes, you can overcome urinary incontinence and enjoy your life.

If you’d like to know more about confitrol24, feel free to visit their official website for great deals!

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