How To Stop Urine Leakage After Prostate Surgery

How To Stop Urine Leakage After Prostate Surgery


If you have recently had prostate surgery, then you might be experiencing urine leakage.

This is very common after surgery, and it can make life difficult for some people.

But don’t worry! There are several things that you can do to decrease your chance of having this issue again in the future. If you keep up with these practices, then your chances of getting back on track will increase tenfold.

So read on to learn how to stop urine leakage after prostate surgery! 

Why do you leak after prostate surgery?

There are a few factors that contribute to urine leakage after surgery. The main one is the prostate tissue that was removed during surgery.

In some cases, this can cause nerves around your bladder to be damaged, and this makes it difficult for you to control your urinary flow.

This is more common in older men who have had more time for this nerve damage to occur.

So that is the main reason why you are having urine leakage after prostate surgery. But do not despair! There are many ways that you can stop it from happening in the future! 


21 Tips to help reduce urine leakage after prostate surgery

1. Manage your stress levels

Men who are able to manage their stress levels tend to have an easier time managing urine leakage. This is because stress and anxiety can put a lot of pressure on those pelvic floor muscles.  

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, then try some of these relaxation tricks that can help reduce stress. For example, you could try out some yoga or meditation!

2. Try to keep a healthy weight

It’s also important for men to maintain a healthy weight. Incontinence can be caused by being overweight or obese, so it’s important to stay on the right side of the scale. You don’t have to go out and start hitting the gym or anything like that, but you should try to maintain a healthy diet.


3. Eat more fiber

One of the best things that you can do for your body is to eat more high-fiber foods. This will help you have a healthy digestive system, and it can also help with keeping your bladder strong.  Fiber works by adding bulk to your stool so that it is easier to move through your digestive tract.  It also stimulates the contraction of the muscles in your bowel, which gives you more control over when you go to the bathroom. This can help decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery. Try eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruits for this purpose.

4. Practice kegel exercises

Everyone knows that kegel exercises help strengthen your bladder and urinary muscles, but they can also help decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery! These exercises work by helping you control the muscles around your bladder, which will lead to more stability around your lower abdomen.  This will, of course, provide more security for your bladder so that it doesn’t leak urine when you don’t want it to.

How to do kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are quite simple.  First, you have to find the right muscles. Lie down on your back, relax your body, and then squeeze your pelvic floor muscles like you would if you were trying to stop the flow of urine.

Once you notice that it has stopped completely, then tighten those muscles for 10 seconds or so. Try not to flex the muscles in your legs, butt, stomach, or anywhere else.  The only thing that you should be focusing on is the muscles around your penis and bladder. 

Once you have located those muscles, start practicing using them throughout your daily life. Hold them as long as you can for 10 seconds at a time…and then release.  Practice this several times a day to help strengthen the muscles in your bladder.


5. Do kegel exercises while standing

This is another type of kegel exercise that you can do for prostate surgery recovery. It’s similar to the one mentioned before, but it’s done while standing up instead of laying down.   

To do this, simply stand as you normally would and tighten those muscles.  Hold them for a few seconds before releasing them slowly.  Continue to practice these throughout your day, focusing on tightening just your penis and bladder muscles. Once again, don’t flex the muscles in any other part of your body!

6. Biofeedback therapy

This is probably one of the most helpful programs for men who are looking to stop their urine leakage after prostate surgery.    It’s done in one-on-one therapy, and it will help you learn how to control the muscles around your bladder.  

How does biofeedback work?

This type of therapy works by using sensors that are attached to your body.  They’ll be hooked up to a monitor, and the therapist will use this device to measure how well you’re doing with your kegel exercises.  This way, they can tell exactly how you’re doing during each session.

Biofeedback therapy has been proven to strengthen muscles that cause urine leakage after prostate surgery, which means that it can help decrease urine leakage.  However, this therapy isn’t for everyone.  It’s only used in extreme cases of incontinence where other methods are not effective.

7. Wear supportive underwear

This is another great way to decrease your chances of urine leakage. By wearing a pair of supportive underwear, you’ll be able to decrease the stress put on your bladder. 

These can be normal undergarments but with extra support around the pelvis and lower abdomen. You don’t have to go out and buy special incontinence underwear or anything like that!   Just make sure that the underwear that you buy has a little bit of support around your lower abdomen and pelvis. You can find them at Amazon or at any of your local retailers.

8. Drink more water

Water is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but have you ever considered that it can help decrease urine leakage?  Water is the best way to keep your bladder healthy. It can help flush out bacteria, viruses, and other harmful elements that might be lingering inside of it.  This will make your urine less acidic, which means that it won’t irritate your bladder as much when you are trying to hold it in for a long period of time.  Drink the recommended amount of water each day to help you decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery.

9. Watch your caffeine intake

Caffeine has a very dehydrating effect on the body.  This means that it will draw water right out of your cells, and this includes the cells in your bladder muscles.  Drinking caffeine-heavy drinks can decrease how well you control your urinary flow, which makes urine leakage more likely.  Limit your caffeine intake to decrease urine leakage.

10. Take probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help maintain the health of your digestive system.  Taking probiotics can help decrease urine leakage by decreasing the amount of harmful bacteria in your bladder.

Probiotics won’t stop your incontinence, but it will decrease the chances of having urine leakage by reducing the acidic content of your urine. This helps keep your bladder healthy and irritant-free. There are many different brands of probiotics that you can buy, so do some research to find the right kind for your body!

11. Take PX7 Primal Flow supplement

Taking a PX7 Primal Flow supplement can help decrease your chances of urine leakage after prostate surgery.  

This is because the ingredients in this supplement will naturally keep your bladder healthy and strong by increasing blood flow to it.  You’ll also experience an increase in urinary control and support “down there”, which decreases your chances of experiencing urine leakage after prostate surgery.

This supplement contains:  lycopene, saw palmetto extract, Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi, Stinging Nettle, Cat’s Claw, Broccoli, Green Tea, and Zinc.

Read the PX7 Primal Flow supplement review now!

12. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that can help your body and mind stay healthy.  It maintains the strength of your bones, teeth, and muscles.  Your bladder is a muscle, so it needs to be strong in order for you to control urine leakage after prostate surgery.   Get your daily dose of Vitamin D to help decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery.

13. Go for a walk and practice meditation

Walking is an excellent way to increase your overall health and wellness.  It gets the blood flowing throughout your body, which will bring more oxygen and nutrients to all areas of it.    This will not only help decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery, but it can also help you control your urinary flow.  In addition to walking, meditation and biofeedback are great ways to reduce the mental stress that might be making you leak urine even more.

14. Drink plenty of cranberry juice

Cranberries are good for your urinary tract because they reduce the pH levels in your urine.  This will make it less acidic, which keeps you from experiencing burning sensations when you urinate.  This is especially important if you’re having trouble controlling your bladder after prostate surgery.  Crabapple juice is also good for your urinary tract, so you can choose to alternate between the two or drink them both for an extra boost of relief.  Cranberry juice decreases urine leakage after prostate surgery by making it easier to keep your bladder muscles strong and healthy.

15. Cut out dairy

Dairy products increase the amount of acid in your urine, which irritates your bladder and makes it harder to control.  This leads to more frequent accidents, which can turn into urine leakage after prostate surgery if you don’t treat them quickly enough.

16. Get plenty of rest

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for so many reasons, including helping reduce the risk of urine leakage after prostate surgery.  When you’re tired, your body weakens and can’t absorb nutrients as well or protect itself against bacteria as it should.  Get the recommended 8 hours of sleep each night to help with decreasing urine leakage after prostate surgery.

17. Avoid drinking alcohol

Alcohol is another drink that will make your urine more acidic and irritate your bladder.  It will also dehydrate you, which makes any urinary leakage problems worse.  To decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery, avoid drinking alcohol or drink it sparingly.

18. Stop smoking

Cigarette smoke has detrimental effects on many parts of the human body, including the bladder muscles.  When you smoke, it becomes harder for your bladder to keep itself full.  This is one of the main causes of urine leakage after prostate surgery.

19. Stay away from spicy foods

Spicy foods also irritate the bladder and increase the risk of urine leakage after prostate surgery. When they’re consumed in large amounts, spicy foods will become hot, which makes the burning feeling worse. Avoid them to decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery or limit yourself to small portions of these types of foods so you don’t experience problems controlling your urinary flow.

20. Keep a close watch on your diet

Another thing that men should do for prostate surgery recovery is to keep an eye on their diets. Certain foods can make incontinence worse, and it’s a good idea to avoid them whenever possible. Foods that you should try to cut back on include:

Alcohol, Coffee, Salted snacks, Sugary, desserts, Processed meats, Dairy products, Spicy foods

The goal is to eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, which are all much healthier for your bladder. Of course, this isn’t something that you have to change immediately, but you should try to incorporate these foods into your life when possible.

21. Wear pads or underwear with liners

When all the above methods aren’t working, it’s time to try wearing a pad or special underwear designed with liners and pads that absorb urine. These can provide much-needed relief and help decrease urine leakage after prostate surgery, so don’t be afraid to try them if you’re running out of options for managing urinary accidents.

Click Here To Read Prostate Protocol By Scott Davis


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