Urinary Incontinence Fast Naturally

How I Cured My 15 Years Of Urinary Incontinence Fast Naturally


Incontinence is something we ladies usually discussed in hushed tones with our close friends.

Sadly many women accept stress urinary incontinence and abdominal separation as their new normal after baby.

Yes, these symptoms are common but not normal.

According to sciencedaily.com, 43 percent of women in their 50’s and early 60’s experience urinary incontinence, and that number rises to 51 percent of those aged 65 and over. (1)


Here’s A Story Of Elizabeth 63

After more than 15 years of ignoring her incontinence issues, Elizabeth decided it was time to do something about it.

“It all started out small, a leak here and there with a sneeze, cough, laugh, jog, or other things. But as I got older, the problem becomes worse, making it harder for me to perform even simple Exercises.

About four years ago, I got on a health kick; however, after a while, I just couldn’t run, jump or dance without wetting my pants. It only becomes so problematic,” Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth had a common experience when she tried to talk with the family doctor about her problem. She felt she wasn’t being taken seriously; her concern was just ignored.

“Surprisingly, my weak pelvic floor was not diagnosed by the renowned gynecologists that I had consulted and other related issues over the years.

I heard that kegel exercise could improve pelvic floor strength, but the problem is I do not know how to squeeze correctly to get a positive result.

I took the advice and recommendations of my colleagues and decided to give pelvic floor Exercise a try.

Because I am not good at online shopping, I hesitated for quite some time before I felt brave enough to give a try to V-Core Lift Essential Program


Within a couple of weeks of following the exact instructions on the program, I had noticed an improvement.

I was far less leaky even after three or four weeks. I am totally impressed with the result.

I should say intimate moments are far better; my vagina feels tighter and makes my orgasm much more intense and stronger.

I can now jump, and even weight at the gym and have zero leakage”, said Elizabeth.


Why Should You Do Pelvic Floor Exercise?

If you haven’t decided to try pelvic floor exercise (Kegel exercise), it’s the right time to start now.

Kegel is a type of static strength training that keeps your pelvic floor strong.  It is easy to perform kegel exercises, and you can do them almost anywhere because it works muscles inside your body.

You don’t need any equipment, so literally, you can do this Exercise without anyone knowing which is kinda fun.

Regardless of your age or state of health, pelvic floor exercises are actually good for you.

Let’s dig a little deeper about kegel Exercise

The Kegels or Pelvic Floor Exercise

Why Should You Do Pelvic Floor Exercise?

Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles that are backing the pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor muscles are the layer of muscles that reach from the pubic bone to the tailbone and support the urethra, rectum, and abdominal organs.

When you are repeatedly tightening and relaxing these internal muscles, it makes them more durable and healthier.

If you have a strong pelvic floor, it will help to control the flow of urine and also leaking stool.

Kegels can be an essential tool, a non-surgical way to resolve issues with bladder control and urinary incontinence and also other related pelvic discomforts.

Having strong pelvic floor muscles can also benefit your sexual function, it’ll help you to have better vaginal muscle tone and sensation.


Who Can Benefit From Kegel Exercise?

Almost everyone can be benefited from pelvic floor exercise, especially as they get older. Surprising health changes happen when you grow older.

Aging tends to increase bladder control issues such as leakage of urinary incontinence or urinary retention ( a condition when you are not able to empty your bladder).

Pelvic floor Exercise can benefit-

Women who are have had children or pregnant:

Kegels training exercise will help maintain good urine control after childbirth.

During pregnancy and after given birth, as many as 70 percents of women have some form of leaking issues when they sneeze, laugh or wait for too long to use the bathroom.

Older women:

The pelvic floor muscles are weakened with age, menopause, or health issues, whether or not you’ve had children.

Overweight or obese People:

The excess weight can add more pressure to be forced on your pelvic floor and its muscles; thus, it weakens the pelvic floor.  Kegels exercise will help strengthen these muscles.

People Who have abdominal surgery:

If you have surgery or under some medical issues or medication, it can contribute to weak pelvic floor muscles.

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