How Does Confitrol24 Help With Bladder Control?


Bladder control is a common problem that can be caused by different factors such as age, pregnancy, and childbirth.

However, it could also be due to an underlying medical condition or medication side effects.

It’s important to understand what the cause of your bladder control problems is so you can find ways to manage them.

There are many supplement products on the market claiming to help with bladder control. However, not all of these supplements are what they claimed to be.

Today, we’ll look at one such supplement called confitrol24, which claims to help you strengthen your bladder control.

So let’s take a closer look at this product and what it does to see if it lives up to its claims and How Does Confitrol24 Help With Bladder Control.

Confitrol24 Ingredients

The main ingredients in this supplement include:

  1. Lindera aggregata extract (root)
  2. Horsetail( Equisetum arvense) Extract( Aerial Part)
  3. Cratevox Three Leaf Caper ( Crateva nurvala) Extract (Stem Bark)

The combination of these herbs is said to have a diuretic effect, which helps in improving your blader.

Let’s See How These Ingredients Are Helpful For Bladder Control

Lindera aggregata extract (root)

Lindera Aggregate

Lindera aggregata is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing up to about 5 meters tall.

The root of Lindera aggregata has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years.

It is said to help treat problems like poor memory, liver diseases, inflammation, and high blood pressure. In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s also used to cleanse the bladder and treat urinary tract infections, bladder pain, and urinary incontinence.  (1)

Horsetail( Equisetum arvense) Extract( Aerial Part)

Raw Horsetail

This is a type of plant that was used as a diuretic in traditional Western herbal medicine. Today, it’s commonly used as a supplemental treatment for bladder control problems. However, it may also be used to treat high blood pressure.

This is because the leaves of this plant contain flavonoid compounds that are good for your cardiovascular system. These compounds help relax the muscle fibers in the heart and vessels, allowing them to dilate. (2)

This helps lower blood pressure by increasing the supply of blood and oxygen to your heart.

Cratevox Three Leaf Caper ( Crateva nurvala) Extract (Stem Bark).

Three-leaved caper

The stem bark of this plant has been used in traditional Indian medicine to treat gallbladder stones, urinary disorders, bleeding gums, and inflammation.

It’s also used as a diuretic to help improve bladder control in traditional Indian medicine.

It is believed to release chemicals that help relax muscles and increase the flow of urine. (3)

These three ingredients are the main active ingredients in the confitrol24 supplement.

Now that we’ve looked at these three ingredients, we can see that the confitrol24 supplement will be effective in helping to treat bladder control problems.

This means that people with stress urinary incontinence will greatly benefit from this supplement because of its effect on relaxing the muscles found around the bladder.

However, the confitrol24 supplement does not have any effects on people who are not experiencing bladder control problems.

If you are taking this supplement for another reason, do consult your doctor to rule out other conditions that may be causing these symptoms.

Let’s see what customers have to say about this product.

Customer Reviews

The people who have used the confitrol24 supplement said that it’s effective in helping to reduce the frequency of accidents during the day and night.

It also helps improve your bladder control so you will be able to hold on for longer before you need to go to the toilet.


“This product has really given me back my life again. It has made it easier for me to go out and about without worrying that I may have an accident. I used to get embarrassed when it happened before, but now I’m confident again without Adult Diapers and I feel great. If you’re searching for a solution to bladder control problems, then this is definitely worth trying.”- Sarah 56 ,

, “I think the reason why this product worked so well for me is because of all the ingredients which include 3 powerful ingredients that work together to improve my bladder control and help stop accidents from happening. I’m not sure if it will work for everyone, but I recommend that you give this product a try because it has worked well for me and many other people.”-Andy 57


“I’m glad to say that the urinary incontinence issues which had been following me around for years came to an end when I started using the confitrol24 supplement. It’s great for improving my bladder control so I can go about my daily activities without having to worry anymore. My granddaughter loves it too because she doesn’t have to keep buying me incontinence pads either! We’re both very happy.”-Evelyn, 60

So, what do you think?

If you are looking for a 100% natural product that will help improve bladder control and help reduce the number of accidents during the day, then this confitrol24 supplement may be worth trying.

However, customers also told us that there is no guarantee that this product will work on everyone as every person’s body chemistry is different.

That’s why we recommend that you try the product yourself and see how it works for you.

If it doesn’t work, don’t worry! You can always get a refund from the supplier within 67 days of your purchase.

Here’s their customer support no.

North America: 1-866-621-6884

International: 1-604-677-3533

Official Website:

Here’s the Confitrol24 Control Promo Code: 462552



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