How Can I Stop Peeing When I Cough?


Do you ever feel like you can’t stop peeing when you cough? You’re not alone. This is a common problem that many people suffer from.

One of the most common causes is that your bladder muscles are weak, which means they don’t contract as well to keep urine in the bladder.

There are also some other causes for this type of incontinence, including urinary tract infections, pregnancy, and a stroke.

If you experience this problem during coughing spells, then it’s likely that the muscles in your bladder are weak. You should speak to your doctor about getting tested for any of these causes.

How can I stop peeing when I cough?

In the meantime, here are some ways you can stop peeing when you cough:

  • Do pelvic floor strengthening exercises. This will strengthen the muscles in your bladder and help you stop peeing when you cough.
  • In addition, do Kegel exercises to help tighten the muscles around your urethra, which also helps stop urine leakage. This is a great way to prevent yourself from peeing during coughing fits completely.
  • Avoid excess caffeine and spicy foods. This can overstimulate your bladder muscles, which makes it hard for you to control your bladder.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol use. Again, this can stimulate the bladder muscles and cause them to contract more strongly than usual.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Salt causes your body to retain water, which in turn puts pressure on your bladder and makes it harder for you to control when you urinate.

In addition, try these things when the coughing starts:

  • Lean forward slightly when you feel a cough coming on. This will shift the flow of gravity downward and reduce the amount of force you put on your bladder.
  • Take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can at the start of a coughing fit to take pressure off your bladder muscles.

What can I eat or drink to stop peeing when I cough?

There are also some foods that can help ease or prevent your incontinence. If you’re suffering from this problem. Here are some of them:

  • Kohki tea: Kohki tea is the extract of a subtropical plant in southern China and northern Thailand. The extract from the leaves is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for hundreds of years to treat a number of ailments, including incontinence. It comes in a tea form and you can drink it as many times per day as needed to improve your condition.
  • Pumpkin seeds: These have also been known for their beneficial effects on the urinary tract. They help to strengthen the muscles in the bladder, which helps control urine leakage. These seeds can be added to your salads or consumed as a snack.
  • Horsetail: Horsetail is rich in plant compounds called thiamine and thiaminase, which have been associated with helping people who suffer from incontinence.
  • Parsley: Parsley also contains thiaminase, which can help strengthen muscles and improve bladder control.
  • Watermelon: Watermelon is another food that has been found to be effective in improving urinary tract health. It’s rich in citrulline, an amino acid that can relax the urethra, which helps stop urine leakage.
  • Aloe vera: This plant has been used for centuries to treat a number of urinary tract problems, including incontinence. You can consume it in the form of aloe juice or powder and add it to food and drinks.
  • Cranberry: Studies have shown that cranberry extracts can help to fight UTIs and prevent them from reoccurring. This is a great way to stop yourself from peeing when you cough.
  • Papaya: The compounds found in papaya have been shown to help stimulate muscle contractions in the bladder, which improves urine control. For this reason, it’s a good idea to add some fresh or dried papaya to your diet.

Here are some bladder-friendly drinks-

  • Plain water: Drinking lots of water is a great way to keep your bladder healthy and strong.
  • Soy milk: Soy milk is less irritating than cow’s or goat’s milk, which makes it good for people who suffer from UTI or other bladder issues.
  • Less acidic fruit juices: Drinking fruit juices that are less acidic, such as apple and grape juice, can be good for your bladder.
  • Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice is a great way to keep your urinary tract healthy. It prevents bacteria from clinging to the walls of your urethra and bladder. You can also drink cranberry capsules or tablets for this purpose.
  • Barley water: This is another great drink that you can consume when you have problems with incontinence.
  • Diluted squash: If you have bladder problems, drinking diluted squash or fresh fruit juices can be helpful.
  • Caffeine-free teas: There are a large variety of varieties of caffeine-free teas, so you have a lot of choices. Some people recommend chamomile tea, while others say that green tea is best.
  • Raspberry leaf: Raspberry leaf has been shown to help nourish the kidneys and urinary tract. It can be consumed as tea or in capsule form.
  • Sage tea: Sage tea is rich in antioxidants and can help to strengthen the muscles in your bladder, which can improve your urine control.
  • Celery seed tea: Celery seed has been shown to have numerous health benefits for people who suffer from incontinence. The celery plant contains chemical compounds that are beneficial for the urinary tract.

What foods can make you pee when you cough?

There are certain foods that, if consumed in excess, may lead to an increase in urine production and leakage. Here are some of them:

  • Coffee: Coffee has frequently been cited as a source of bladder irritation because it stimulates the bladder muscles and increases the urgency of urination.
  • Hot peppers: Excessive intake of hot peppers may increase the need to pee and even cause bladder irritation or urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  • Alcohol: Too much alcohol has also been shown to contribute to an increase in urine production and leakage. This is because it makes you pee more frequently during the night as it increases the secretion of urine at night.
  • Dairy products: The lactose found in dairy products can cause gas pains, intestinal problems, diarrhea, cramps, bloating, and bladder irritability.
  • Spicy foods: These foods can also lead to frequent urination or urge incontinence. Some examples are curries, chilies, cayenne pepper, and hot sauce.
  • Soda: Large amounts of caffeine and artificial sugars in soda may cause bladder irritation, which can lead to frequent urination or urge incontinence.
  • Citrus fruits: The acidity in citrus fruits can irritate the bladder, which can lead to frequent urination or urge incontinence.
  • Tomato-based foods: Foods that contain chemicals called solanine and chaconine can irritate the bladder, which can also lead to frequent urination or urge incontinence. Some examples are potatoes (both baked and fried), eggplants, peppers, tomatillos.
  • Artificial sweeteners: The chemical compounds used in artificial sweeteners may cause damage to the bladder.

What are the treatments for peeing when you cough?

First of all, it’s important to see your doctor so they can determine what is causing your problem with leaking urine when you cough.

Sometimes other medical conditions are to blame. For example, conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bladder infections, interstitial cystitis, and thyroid problems may be causing the problem.

After a full medical checkup, your doctor may recommend bladder training and pelvic floor exercises to help strengthen the pelvic muscles. They might also suggest medication or botox injections into your bladder.

If you have stress incontinence, surgery may be recommended by some doctors. This is usually performed with an operation called “urethropexy.”

The operation involves sewing together the muscles at the neck of your bladder to prevent leakage.

Your doctor might also recommend you try exercises called Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

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